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31 March 2012

Kudieruntha Kovil Re-Release V

Sri MGR Year 95, 31st March, Saturday

MGR's grandson MGCB Pradeep has uploaded the video and images about the recent re-release of Kudieruntha Kovil in Woodlands theater Chennai. 

The movie has collected more than Rs.1.40 lakhs for one week.

We have already published some of the images and videos of this movie re-release.

30 March 2012

Uzhaikum Karangal Re-Release

Sri MGR Year 95, 30th March, Friday


K.C. Films MGR starrer Uzhaikum Karangal is re-released today in Coimbatore Delite. MGR Devotee Yukesh Babu passed this information and to share this in our MGR Blog.




The ad above image is from Thursday Maalai Malar digital edition.




A song from Uzhaikum Karangal uploaded by pakee creation in youtube site. The upload is in high definition and the song is 40 MB in size.


The movie with political dialogues, deer horn fight and this particular song showing the ADMK flag is the highlight of Uzhaikum Karangal movie. A delight to watch for MGR Fans and MGR Devotees.

29 March 2012

MGR Function Malaysia

Sri MGR Year 95, 29th March, Thursday


MGR Devotee Sree Sitharan have forwarded these images of MGR function that was celebrated in Malaysia, Batu caves on 24.3.2012 to share this in our MGR Blog.




Indru Pol Endrum Vazhga a cultural show was organized by Batu caves Thamizhar Membatu Kazhagam. The function was held on 24.3.2012 in K.R.Soma hall from 7.30 pm.




Stage banner




MGR Lakshmanan performing for the song Pesuvathu Kiliyea.




The function was presided by Jayanthi Devi Balaguru. Donations to the poor were given during the end. All the above images and information were passed on by Sree Sitharan.

27 March 2012


Sri MGR Year 95, 27th March, Tuesday


MGR Devotee Tirupur Ravichandran has forwarded the scanned page of Kumudam reporter an article about MGR starrer Padagotti movie soon to be released in cinemascope.


20 years before, Ulagam Sutrum Valiban was released in Cinemascope followed by DTS version of all Emgeeyar Pictures movies such as Nadodi Mannan, Adimai Penn and Ulagam Sutrum Valiban.


To read further click the image below.




Now Arasakattalai and Padagotti are in the pipeline for re-release.

26 March 2012


Sri MGR Year 95, 26th March, Monday


MGR Devotee S.Vinod from Bangalore have informed me that MGR movie Arasakattalai is being digitized for re-release and the same was published in the Newspaper.




The above image is from Daily Thanthi digital edition which appeared on 25th March 2012.


The movie Arasakattalai was produced by M.G.Chakrapani’s son M.C.Ramamurthy and directed by MGR’s brother M.G.Chakrapani.

24 March 2012

Kudieruntha Kovil Re-Release IV

Sri MGR Year 95, 24th March, Saturday


Saravana Screens Kudieruntha Kovil, super hit MGR movie of 1968 was re-released in Chennai Woodlands theater on 16th March 2012. Earlier we have updated with images with the celebration of MGR Devotees and MGR Fans.


MGR Devotee Sathya have captured some videos which comes to 23 minutes. I have cut the video into two parts with 15 minutes and 8 minutes for easy viewing.


The first part of the video starts from the gathering of MGR Fans in front of the theater showing the banners and cutouts placed by various MGR Fans organization. Busting of crackers and Abishekam to the end of the video.




Second part of the video continues with abishekam and passage to the theater and interviews taken by TV channels.



I have to thank Sathya for forwarding the video so nicely captured with an appropriate ending of MGR sitting calmly watching his fans.


For earlier post click here.

21 March 2012

Kudieruntha Kovil Re-Release III

Sri MGR Year 95, 21st March, Wednesday

The Dinamalar daily has published about MGR movie Kudieruntha Kovil and as well the restoration, Dts of Nadigar Thilagam movie Karnan  yesterday.


MGR Devotee Tirupur Ravichandran informed me about this news and asked to publish it as a post in our MGR Blog.


The War is not over the article says that still Makkal Thilagam and Nadigar Thilagam fans are contesting the battle.






Dinamalar has written the unbiased article, and also mentions that most MGR fans who have conducted the celebration were not ADMK Party officials they were only MGR Devotees.

20 March 2012

Kudieruntha Kovil Re-Release II

Sri MGR Year 95, 20th March, Tuesday


Super Hit movie of 1968 Saravana Screens Kudieruntha Kovil was re-released this Friday in Woodlands Theater Chennai.


I was unable to attend the show but fortunately MGR Devotee Sathya has captured some interesting images and videos.


Below are some of the images sent by Sathya to share in our MGR Blog.










Some of the MGR Devotees who have came to watch MGR movie Kudieruntha Kovil.










Younger generation with older generation, the MGR legacy will continue.


Devotion by his devotees.








Crackers busted by his fans.




MGR in full glory.


More images and videos will be posted through MGR’s grandson MGCB Pradeep.

19 March 2012

Puratchi Thalaivar Book

Sri MGR Year 95, 19th March, Monday


A new blog has been opened for the purpose of listing out the entire books published on MGR. All MGR Devotees and MGR Fans help is needed to compile the books so far published for our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR.


The blog is titled as BOOK ON SRIMGR.


MGR Devotee Tirupur Ravichandran has forwarded the scanned image of new MGR book. Click the link below for further information.


Click here.

MGR Tomb Renovation

Sri MGR Year 19th March, Monday


Recently the Government of Tamil Nadu under the leadership of Jayalalitha have ordered to renovate MGR tomb in Marina beach. That article was already published in our Blog.


Yesterday Daily Thanthi have written an article about MGR’s tomb renovation. Both Peraringnar Anna and Puratchi Thalaivar MGR’s tomb will be renovated. The Government has allotted Rs.4 Crores 30 lakhs for landscaping and Rs.3 Crores and 40 lakhs for replacing the front entrance and constructing compound wall.


The plan will be completed in one week, the work has been handed over to Public Works Department. The construction and renovation will be completed in 10 months time.


The tomb appearance will be changed in accordance with the style present in Mahatma Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi memorial. Recently the entrance was demolished and closed. People who visit MGR tomb have to enter through Peraringnar Anna square.




Above image is from the digital edition of Daily Thanthi.

Kudieruntha Kovil Re-Release

Sri MGR Year 95, 19th March, Monday

Saravana Screens Kudieruntha Kovil is re-released in Woodlands theater Chennai on 16th March 2012.




The movie was first released on 15th March 1968 and was the block buster movie of 1968 surpassing the collection of MGR’s 100th movie Olivilakku.


Below image is the movie poster of Kudieruntha Kovil.






Click the above movie ad image.

18 March 2012

Thaiku Pin Tharam Re-Release II

Sri MGR Year 95, 18th March, Sunday


Thaiku Pin Tharam was re-released last week in Mahalakshmi Theater. We have already published the first part, this post  will be about the acting talent that our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR have given in this movie.



Still many point out that MGR is not a good actor. (Because MGR always closes his face during crying scene) Here in this video captured in theater shows MGR’s performance, for those who mention that MGR is not an actor he cannot perform such feats.


Here in the above video MGR’s father was killed by a bull and MGR cries and finally vows to avenge his father’s death. Also watch how MGR fans enjoy this scene.


When you replay this video you can also see that how carefully MGR performs this act, and he actually falls over the burning pyre before that he adjusts his hair so that it wont catch fire. Two cameras are used in this breathtaking scene.


For the first part of the post Click here.

16 March 2012

Re-Release Kudumba Thalaivan

Sri MGR Year 95, 16th March, Friday


Devar Films Kudumba Thalaivan re-released in Coimbatore Delite from today.


kudumpa thalaivan


MGR Devotees Tirupur Ravichandran and Yukesh Babu have informed me about the re-release of Kudumba Thalaivan and also about the ad given in the Newspaper.


In Chennai Kudieruntha Kovil is re-released in Woodlands. News will be posted in this Blog with pictures soon.

15 March 2012

A Poem To Puratchi Thalaivar

Sri MGR Year 95, 15th March, Thursday

MGR Devotee Bangalore S.Vinod has forwarded a poem written by MGR Fan Ganesh. Below is the poem.

எல்லாமும் நீயே!
தாயுமானவன் -எமக்குத்
அன்னை, தங்கை, அன்பு, பாசம், இன்ன பிற உறவுகளாய் -
என்றும் வாழும் நீ
எங்கள் இதயத்தில் பூத்த மலர்!
மண்ணில் "இவர்போல் யரென்று" வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்ந்தாய்!
விண்ணில் இருந்தும் இன்றும் நீ
என்னில் இருப்பவன்!
மாசில்லா உண்மை மனிதன் நீ!
என்றும் மற்றவர்க்கு வாழும் பேரிதயம் உனக்கு!
வேசியையும் மன்னித்த இயேசு போல, உன்னைத்
தூற்றுவோரையும் ஏற்றிவைத்து அழகு பார்க்கும்
மாற்றில்லாத்தலைவன் நீ!
எங்கோ இருக்கும் இறைவனை
எல்லாமறிந்தவர்கள் போல் எப்போதும் வணங்கும் -
உழைக்காத கூட்டமொன்று இருக்குது!
"மழித்தலும் நீட்டலும் வேண்டாம்!" என்று
மழலைச் சிரிப்பில் இறைவனைக் கண்டவன் நீ! உன் உருவில்,
மறையாவரம் பெற்ற கடவுளைக் கண்டோம் -ஆம்
உன் கருணையிலே கடவுளையே கண்டோம்!
உன்னை நம்பிக் கெட்டவர்கள் கிடையாது!
உன்னைத் திட்டியவகள் கூட கேட்டது இல்லை!
உன்னை நம்பாதவரையும் நீ கெடுத்தது இல்லை!
உன்னை நினைத்தாலே நம்பிக்கை வந்துவிடும்!
நீ எல்லோரையும் புரிந்துகொண்டவன்!
உன்னை எல்லோருக்கும் புரியவைத்தவன்!
உன்னையே நீ அறிந்தவன் -அதனால்
பிறரிலும் வாழ்பவன்!
பசித்தவருக்கு உணவு தந்தாய்! -நலிந்தவனுக்கு
கல்வி தந்தாய்... இன்னும் வாழ்வு தந்தாய்!
நீ இன்று வந்தால், உன் உயிரையும் தருவாய்! -அதனால்,
நீ வருவதென்றால் -தலைவா
என் உயிரையும் தருவேன்!
புரட்சித் தலைவரின் அன்புத் தொண்டன்,

14 March 2012

MGR Birthday In Thirunelveli Part II

Sri MGR Year 95, 14th March, Wednesday


MGR’s 95th Birthday was celebrated in Thirunelveli in grand manner. This is the second post of that function that was held in Parvathi Sesha Mahal, Thirunelveli on 17.1.2012.




Photo exhibition conducted on behalf of Olikirathu Urimaikural by MGR Devotee Murali.






Many of the photos were re worked using photoshop.



Click to view



People watching the photo exhibition.




Some of the guests who attended our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR birthday function.






Namakal MGR performing his favourite songs in front of the audience.




The above image is for the philosophical song “Nan Aanai Ittal” from Enga Veetu Pillai.




Final part of the function is honouring the guests by presenting awards, seen in this image is Nainar Nagendran, MLA and MGCB Pradeep.






For the first part of this function click here.

12 March 2012

Thaiku Pin Tharam Re-Release

Sri MGR Year 95, 12th March, Monday


Devar Films first production with MGR in the lead was Thaiku Pin Tharam. The movie hit the silver screen in 1956.




The movie which is 56 years old is being re-released in Chennai this week in Mahalakshmi Theater from 9.3.2012. Although publicized as new print it is not, but good one. The above image is the poster of that movie.




Thaiku Pin Tharam was one of MGR’s super hit movie of 1956. The movies that were released in 1956 are Alibabavum Narpathu Thirudargalum, Madurai Veeran and Thaiku Pin Tharam all the three movies had crossed hundred days.




MGR philosophical song in Thaiku Pin Tharam was Manushana Manushan Sapidaranda Thambi payale captured by me in Mahalakshmi Theater.



Video clippings of MGR’s awesome performance in the movie Thaiku Pin Tharam will be posted soon.

11 March 2012

MGR Philosophical Songs

Sri MGR Year 95, 11th March, Sunday


MGR Devotee Sree Sitharan has forwarded this newspaper cutting. A function about our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR songs a debate about which kind of songs i.e. Philosophical or Duet songs is popular in masses.




Click the above image to read.


The debate was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in Dansri Soma Hall, the judge for the debate was Ramadoss Manoharan. MGR Devan, MGR Suresh, Devamalar Arumugam participated for MGR Philosophical side and MGR Ram, R.S.Raja, Mrs.Loga Naidu on MGR Duet songs side. The conclusion, MGR Philosophical songs was most popular.


Thanks to Sree Sitharan.

08 March 2012

Media King Part II

Sri MGR Year 95, 8th March, Thursday


Still many magazines are publishing a series about MGR. Thamizhga Arasiyal is going a publish an article written by Poet Pulamaipithan soon. The ad was given on the back side of the cover of Thamizhga Arasiyal.




The series is titled “Thalaivar – Thambi – Nan”.


Already Poet Vaali is also writing about our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR in Thuglaq and in Kalki Tamil magazine.


That was covered in our earlier post titled Media King. Click the link below to read about that post.


The above image was sent by MGR Devotee Tirupur Ravichandran.


Click here.

07 March 2012

MGR Birthday In Thirunelveli

Sri MGR Year 95, 7th March, Wednesday


MGR’s 95th Birthday was celebrated all over the World during January 17th 2012. Ithayadeivam Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Vizha Kuzhuvinar, Thirunelveli Town celebrated the function in grand manner with the help of AIADMK party cadres, S.M.Jaali, N.Arumugam (Councilor) MGR Devotees, MGR Fans.








The function was conducted in Parvathi Sesha Mahal Thirunelveli, on 17.1.2012. The 95th birthday function of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR started with Exhibition of MGR rare photos conducted by MGR Devotee Murali on behalf of Olikirathu Urimaikural MGR Magazine.




Annadanam was given to 1000 people during the function. The images are below.






Nainar Nagendran, MLA, gave food to the needy during the function.







Entrance Banner welcoming MGR’s Blood Brothers none other than his Fans.




The dais with large banner occupying the entire area.




MGR philosophical songs and duet songs were performed by the artist.




A part of the audience who attended the birthday function. In the front are AIADMK party members.






People watching the music by Alex Kailash Izhai Kuzhu.




A sitting posture of MGR was creatively placed on the chair and MGR Devotees performed pooja to their God.




Note the age group of MGR Fans doing pooja. The next generation who will forward the legacy.




More images and informations will continue in the next post. The photos were given by Olikirathu Urimaikural Editor B.S.Raj to share in our MGR Blog.

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