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Golden Jubilee Padagotti

27 December 2016

Flash Back - 3

Sri MGR Year 99, 27th December, Tuesday

Indian Film Industry celebrated the golden jubilee of Indian talkie in December 1981. In Bombay now Mumbai, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi presided for the function. In Madras the function was held in University of Madras Centenary Building on 1st December 1981, the then President Sanjiv Reddy inaugurated the function. The chief guests of the function are Tamil Nadu Governor Sadique Ali, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Puratchi Thalaivar MGR, Karnataka Chief Minister Gundurao, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Anjaiah, Actors, Directors, Technicians of Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu.

cinema_ponvizha  cinema_ponvizha2

Above is the article published in Agnimalargal August 2016 issue as Flashback 2, MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan remembering the function and how Jayalalitha performed as the compere. The article was shared by R.Govindaraj, sub editor of Agni Malargal.

11 December 2016

Missing Alphabets

Sri MGR Year 99, 11th December Sunday

I have uploaded the below image in Facebook and most of them missed the hidden message, it is in the plain sight. Can you decipher?

 Click the above image.

If you find it, mail me,

06 December 2016


Sri MGR Year 99, 6th December, Tuesday

I have not imagined that one day I have to publish this post. Yesterday we, MGR fans have lost our Sister in law, lovingly called as ‘Amma’ by the people of Tamil Nadu, J.Jayalalitha, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu had breathed her last.

Jayalalitha have acted with our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR in 28 films starting from ‘Ayirathil Oruvan’ to ‘Pattikattu Ponniah’ In movies we cannot forget her role as Jeeva in Adimai Penn, Ammu in Nam Nadu and Valli in En Annan.

In politics her role in 1984 for the election campaign and also her role of protecting the party from 1989 to 2016.

Below are some images I had collected from various MGR fans.


MGR and Jayalalitha in 1972.


Jayalalitha article about her character in the movie En Annan.


A scene from Kumarikottam.


An image from MGR Fan function.


From Raman Thediya Seethai.


To the left “Thanipiravi” and to the right “Thedia Vantha Mapillai”

We team prays for her soul to rest in peace.

27 November 2016

Headlines Yesterday

Sri MGR Year 99, 27th November, Sunday

My father’s friend, an octogenarian is a hardcore Puratchi Thalaivar fan. Earlier he had lot of newspaper collections which I had seen in my school days. I visited him couple of months back and he showed me some of the newspaper headlines of those days. Unfortunately the time had spoiled the treasure.


I choosen two news headlines from yesteryear to share in our blog. One, MGR swearing in for the second time. Another the 3rd time, ADMK MLA’s selecting our beloved Leader.


The scanned images are in lower resolution. Both are from Anna Newspaper. Anybody having the first time swearing in headline please forward the copy.

18 November 2016

Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram

Sri MGR Year 99, 18th November, Friday
Don’t Sleep brother don’t sleep (தூங்காதே தம்பி தூங்காதே) from the movie “Nadodi Mannan”, Young one listen to the tidings (சின்ன பயலே சின்ன பயலே செய்தி கேளடா) from “Arasilangkumari” and the most memorable line “நானே போடப்போறேன் சட்டம் பொதுவில் நன்மை புரிந்திடும் திட்டம் நாடு நலம் பெறும் திட்டம்” from “Nadodi Mannan”, (I am giving only three lines from MGR songs there are more to discuss) we all know that these brilliant, soul stirring lines are written by Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram for our Puratchi Thalaivar movies, after assuming the office of Chief Minister, MGR told the press that he did not know what the three legs in his chair belong to, but he is aware that the fourth leg belongs to the immortal lines rendered by Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram.


Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram died at very young age, MGR helped his family by giving royalty to his songs which appeared in his movie “Nadodi Mannan” and requested other movie producers to giving helping hand to Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram family. More information is found in the above article written by R.Govindaraj who compiled his father K.P.Ramakrishnan (MGR’s bodyguard) account in Deepawali issue of Cinema Pathrikaiyalar Sangam magazine.

12 November 2016

4 Decades Back

Sri MGR Year 99, 12th November, Saturday

One of my friend having some newspaper and magazine collections from 1960s & 1970s has asked me to go through his record. After spending some time I took some of our Purtachi Thalaivar MGR related articles for scanning, below are few scans.


I selected some articles that have appeared in 1976 period, that is 4 decades back history.


1. Anna Nee En Deivam


First article is about the song recording of “Anna Nee En Deivam” movie, the song was written by Vali and music composed by M.S.Viswanathan, the song is “Parakum Paingkili” a solo song for MGR. This song was not filmed as MGR had become the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in 1977.



And another article is the photo of MGR leaning over the door frame.


2. Pallandu Vazhga



A photo from the movie “Pallandu Vazhga” to my knowledge I have not seen this MGR pose. I thought of sharing this in our MGR blog.


3. Puratchi Pithan


We all know that “Puratchi Pithan” was an unfinished movie, a photo was published in the Tamil daily showing MGR & Latha, and MGR holding an egg.


4. Uzhaikum Karangal


The movie review of “Uzhaikum Karangal” by Nagai Dharman. He has highlighted important aspects of the movie. Nagai Dharman has mentioned about the Deer horn fight and Rudra Thandavam performance of MGR.


The articles I had uploaded above are small and of scanning the quality is little bit diminished.

31 October 2016

The Preacher

Sri MGR Year 99, 31st October, Monday

Our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR had many titles. As his movies thought quality life lessons the fans called him Vathiyar (Teacher).

Many have preached and how many had practised? But MGR is not such a person, like others he is not a hypocrite who does not practise what they preach.

We know that not only the movie titles of MGR are a moral lesson he practised what he preached in silver screen. One such title come to my mind Neethiku Thalaivanangku, which resembled an incident that happened in 1965.



During the year 1965 when India Pakistan war was going on and as per war measures the cars which ply over Madras city were inspected for the head lights that has to be half blinded with black paint. One such inspection was going on in Kodambakkam bridge, the cars were in row. The police officers were checking each and every car for head lights, one officer found out that MGR is inside the car waiting patiently for his turn. The officer approached MGR and told him that, Sir you do not need to stand in the line your car is allowed to proceed.

MGR smiled at the police officer and said, for myself I do not need any priority whatever you do to other vehicles, you do the same to my vehicle. After waiting for his turn, MGR’s car head lights were half blinded with black paint.

The above incident was narrated by MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan. His son R.Govindaraj has written this in the Deepavali issue of Cinema Pathrikaiyalar Sangam Magazine and he has forwarded the issue to share in our MGR blog. Below are the two paged article.

page_1    page_2

28 October 2016

Music Speaks

Sri MGR Year 99, 28th October, Friday

One of MGR fan from Australia has shared one interesting post in Facebook. I clicked the links he had provided and after watching the videos I was awestruck and felt how true is the phrase “Music has no language barrier”.


The person I had mentioned is Mr.Venkat Rao he has posted some of the videos captured in London stage show.  Below are his words.

புரட்சி தலைவர் அவர்களை, "உலகம் சுற்றும் வாலிபன்" ஆக அறிந்திருக்கிறோம். ஆனால், "உலகை தம் வயமாக்கும் வாலிபன்" ஆக அறிந்ததில்லையே. இணைத்துள்ள YouTube காணொளிகளை காணுங்கள். இவை லண்டனில் நடைபெற்ற மேடை நிகழ்ச்சியிலிருந்து பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டவை. தலைவர் எப்படி "உலகை தம் வயமாக்கும் வாலிபன்" ஆக ஆனார் என்பது புரிந்து விடும். காணொளியில் வரும் தலைவரின் பாடல்களை மேடையில் பாடுபவர்கள் அனைவரும் புதிய தலைமுறையை சார்ந்தவர்கள். பெரும்பாலும் திரு TMS, திருமதி P சுசீலா அவர்களின் தமிழ் உச்சரிப்பை அப்படியே பிரதிபலித்துள்ளார்கள், ஒரு சில தவறுகளை தவிர. அதுமட்டமல்ல அறிவிப்பவர்கள் ஒரு ஆங்கில வார்த்தையை கூட பயன்படுத்தவில்லை. பின்னணி இசை பெரும்பான்மையாக, படத்தில் வரும் பாடலின் பின்னணி இசையை அப்படியே பிரதிபலித்துள்ளது.

எல்லாவற்றிற்கும் மேலானது, இங்கிலாந்தை சார்ந்த ஆங்கிலேய இசை கலைஞர்கள் தலைவரின் பாடல்களுக்கு தமது இசைக்கருவிகளால் பாடல்களை மிகவும் ரசித்து இசையை தந்துள்ளார்கள்.

(For non Tamil readers of our MGR blog: “Above all, the England based musicians took pleasure in rendering our MGR songs with their musical instruments”)

இதேபோன்று ஆஸ்திரேலியாவில் நடைபெற்ற எம்ஜிஆர் விழா 2015ல், ஆஸ்திரேலிய நடனமணிகள் தலைவரைப் பற்றி முன்னதாக அறிந்து கொண்டு நிகழ்ச்சியில் பங்கேற்று நடனமாடி சிறப்பித்தார்கள், என்பது மறக்க முடியாத அனுபவம். தலைவர் ஆங்கிலேயர்கள் மனதிலும் குடிகொண்டு விட்டார், அவர்களையும் விட்டுவைக்கவில்லை. "உலகம் சுற்றும் வாலிபன்" ஆக திகழ்ந்த நம் தலைவர், "உலகை தம் வயமாக்கும் வாலிபன்" ஆகவும் ஆகிவிட்டார்தானே?

Certainly Venkat Rao sir.

Below are some MGR movie songs beautifully rendered by R.G. Academy Orchestra London.

Azhagiya Tamil Magal Ival rendition


R.G. Academy Orchestra London Live with Umesh for MGR’s Rom Com film “Anbay Vaa”.


The program name is seen in the background of the above videos.

Another stage performance:

22 October 2016

Flash Back - 2

Sri MGR Year 99, 22nd October, Saturday


From the above image we can guess from the frill cuffed shirt that our beloved Leader Purtachi Thalaivar MGR wearing is for the shooting of ‘Neerum Nerupum’ movie, seen along with MGR is Hemamalini.

In this article we can understand how much the North Indian film artist adored MGR’s acting skills and stunts. Below are the two paged article that have appeared in Flash Back section in Agni Malargal magazine.

part1    part2

The article was forwarded by the sub editor of Agni Malargal and as well as MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan’s son R.Govindaraj. The photo and the article are given in high resolution.

11 October 2016

Known And Unknown

Sri MGR Year 99, 11th October, Tuesday

We mostly know how MGR have helped people in dire circumstances. Some of his help which we come to know is through books, news paper articles and acquaintance. The third kind I mentioned will present you unknown piece of information behind some incidents of MGR’s helping hand.

Couple of days back while I was conversing with R.Govindaraj (one of MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan’s son) told about his recent published article in Agnimalargal. I came to know that I only possessed half the information when he narrated the incident.

When the incident happened R.Govindaraj was studying with his friend Balu in 9th standard. His father is working as the personal driver to MGR. The police came to his class and informed that MGR’s driver had met with an accident and died on the spot.

He further said that Govindan’s body was placed in ADMK party office for last respects. At that time MGR was the Chief Minister and he walked along the funeral procession, how many Leaders will exhibit this rare quality? After couple of days, MGR gave job to Govindan’s wife in Tamil Nadu Housing Board.

Below is two such unknown incidents of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR’s unique humane nature. I requested the Sub Editor of Agnimalargal R.Govindaraj to forward his article which was published in the latest issue of Agni Malargal, for sharing with our MGR blog.

article_1  article_2

02 October 2016

Flash Back

Sri MGR Year 99, 2nd October, Sunday

MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramarkrishnan’s son, R.Govindaraj who have complied his father’s incidents with our MGR and also as the sub editor of Agni Malargal has sent me the recent issue of the magazine to share in our MGR blog. In accordance with the centenary year they have given the article title “Flash Back” which I have used in our post also.


K.P.Ramakrishnan was on duty with our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR, who attended the function of “Aanaithulaga MGR Mandram” in Madurai on 12 and 13th July 1986. In the function MGR presided for two days and on the 2nd day, MGR and the Party Propaganda Secretary Jayalalitha only spoke in the dais. In this function Jayalalitha presented the silver Scepter to our MGR, the video is available in youtube.

Another incident K.P.Ramakrishnan narrates is about the by election held in Aruppukottai which our Puratchi Thalaivar who was tired went to campaign against his family doctor’s advice.

Click to read the article.


20 September 2016

A Day In Mahe

Sri MGR Year 99, 20th September, Tuesday

After formation of ADMK party by our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR, the party for the first time in 1973 contested in Dindukal election, ADMK receivied substantial amount of votes and won the contest.

In the year 1974, the Election Commission announced that Puducherry Parliament and Assembly elections are to be held simultaneously. ADMK and  alliance Communist Party of India contested. The Union Territory of Pondicherry has four districts, two are in Tamil Nadu, one district in Andhra Pradesh called Yanam and another district Mahe in Kerala.

On campaign MGR was welcomed by the mass. On looking at people surge MGR predicted that ADMK will form the Governmnet in Puducherry. On the next part of the campaign MGR went to Mahe which is in Kerala, there the crowd requested MGR to speak in Malayalam. Without any hesitation MGR replied in Tamil that, “I know only one language, I grew, I gained popularity and now I am standing before you all is due to Tamil Nadu only. How is it possible for me to speak without knowing the lanuage? If you are interested please listen to my Tamil speech, if you are unwilling for my Tamil speech you can leave.”

K.P.Ramakrishnan, MGR’s body guard who was with him during the campaign has written the Mahe incident along with Pondicherry election in Kalki magazine in 2009. His son Govindaraj has sent the article to share in our MGR blog. Below is the full incident of Puducherry election.


Click the above image to enlarge.

09 September 2016

Captain Blood

Sri MGR Year 99, 9th September, Friday

Couple of days back I again watched Errol Flynn starrer Captain Blood. During the Golden Jubilee post about Ayirathil Oruvan last year I planned to publish the post about the differences between the two movies Captain Blood and our Puratchi Thalaivar Ayirathil Oruvan. As some of them in the internet has wrongly published that MGR copied every antics of Errol Flynn from Captain Blood. And moreover MGR’s sword fight is not that good when compared to Errol Flynn.


After the watching Captain Blood I was in rage and wanted to publish the post on that day as the movie looked like a water downed version of Ayirathil Oruvan. But I took some time to cool. And now after watching it for second time I choose not to write because the English movie is based on the story of Rafael Sabatini. For cinema they take some liberty to cut short and change the scenario to suit the mind of director or producer for that I had purchased the novel and going through. Coming week I will publish the post and will point out similarities and variation between these two movies.

Below is the trailer:

24 August 2016

Digital Movies In 2016

Sri MGR Year 99, 24th August, Wednesday

The second half of the year 2016 will be a joyous period for MGR fans as digitally remastered MGR movies which are in pipe line are going to be released one by one.

The first to hit the screen will the blockbuster movie of 1971 Rickshawkaran. Recently the trailer release function was held with packed hall in Devi Paradise.

The movie will be screened on 21st September 2016, thanks to Yukesh Babu for informing us about the release date.

Ulagam Sutrum Valiban which was digitally remastered to HD version will be released soon. Apart from this Puratchi Thalaivar Bond-esque flick “Ragasiya Police 115” is also under digital conversion.

“Not only 2016 but also in the Centenary year of beloved Leader MGR, we will be witnessing many more movie releases.”

For the previous information about Digital movies click the below link.

Digital Movies – 2013

10 August 2016

Michael MacMillan

Sri MGR Year 99, 10th August, Wednesday

The title of the post might confuse you. What is the connection of Michael with our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR? Michael MacMillan also known as Mike is a fictional character the protagonist of space opera trilogy "Twisted Spaces". The book is authored by K.N.Abel and edited by Rosi Milligan. 

In the story Michael MacMillan is one of the Special Ops and his team Twisted Spaces designs a Spaceship with light drive system within five years, their long term plan is to travel interstellar and make a colony in Mars. His vision of interstellar travel is based on the works of Burkhard Heims quantum field theory. 

The story is a heavy weight science fiction novel, now you might feel what is this supposed to do with our MGR? The characterization of Michael MacMillan closely resembles Manimaran character from Ayirathil Oruvan movie and some real traits of MGR.

Michael's vision is to unify the different races of the world and use his gravity based light drive system, his desire is that human kind should conquer space. The author has created Michael MacMillan character with world leadership qualities. The character shrewdness are perfect example of how MGR in real life used to tackle the dire situations thrown by his adversaries.

I like to point out one small dialogue of Michael, "survival of the many always supersedes survival of the one" did it ring a bell? the dialogue that MGR speaks in Ayirathil Oruvan when the pirate ship is being aimed by canons by Ramadoss and he gives an option to MGR to return to the island or else he will destroy the ship. Now comes that dialogue with a montage of a candle burning in foreground. 

In Twisted Spaces book one the ship has people from different countries one will become a traitor and Michael uses his leadership skill by pardoning him (which I do not have to mention that MGR in his life has not only pardoned but also helped them in benevolent ways) 

Puratchi Thalaivar after assuming office as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu included  abled and experienced persons in his administration. Michael also exhibits the same kind of attitude in giving commanding positions to experienced and abled astronauts in his ship.

While reading the book I felt that I am reading an English novel of MGR as the hero.  You also will get the same feeling, try this novel.

23 June 2016

MGR Movies In Cinemascope

Sri MGR Year 99, 23rd June, Thursday

U.K. Golden Movies has released one MGR movie title in CinemaScope format for the first time. You can watch the movie "Maduraiyai Meeta Sundarapandian" in 16:9 format. 

Our beloved Puratchi Thalaivar MGR's final movie Maduraiyai Meeta Sundarapandian film scenes such as palace scenes and outdoor scenes are breathtaking and we can feel the difference. The print is excellent and the audio is also good.

With the consent from the owner of UK Golden Movies Mr.Thangavel I am posting some images captured from the movie.

The price of the DVD is Rs.65/-

Click the below images to enlarge.

05 June 2016

King Of Boxing

Sri MGR Year 99, 5th June, Sunday

Former heavyweight Boxing champion Muhammad Ali passed away on June 3rd, we team prays for his soul to rest in peace. 

Born as Cassius Clay on 17.1.1942 (both our beloved Leader and Muhammad Ali share same birthday date) in Louisville became an Olympic gold medalist then he entered professional boxing and became champion by beating Sonny Liston. He retired from active boxing in 1981. 

Muhammad Ali paid a visit to India in January 1980, and he stayed in Chennai and did an exhibition bout in old Nehru stadium arranged by Tamil Nadu Amateur Boxing Association and a private sponsor Apeejay group. He did a fight with former heavy weight champion Jimmy Ellis. The function was presided by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu MGR, who we knew is a sport enthusiast. 

 (King of Boxing with King of the Mass MGR)

After the fight MGR tried to enter the ring, but his dhoti hindered his entry, without any hint what he is going to do, MGR jumped into the ring (who was 63 years old then) much amazement of Ali. MGR gave a shield to Muhammad Ali and took hold of Ali and Ellis hand at the same time for press. 

From dt Next:
'King Ali' walked on petals on his arrival at Meenambakkam, recall veterans

The 1980 historical event organised by the then Tamil Nadu Amateur Boxing Association and a private sponsor. Ali took on former heavy weight champion Jimmy Ellis in an exhibition bout. H.Mohana Krishnan, secretary of the association, took centrestage in organising the bout and his son M.Gunasekaran was melancholic, recalling the memorable day.

You are the boxing association's secretary right, come let us have a fight, were the first words uttered by Ali to my father, reminisced Gunasekaran.

After exchanging pleasantries the boxer, whose original name was Cassius Clay, was motored to the hotel in an open bus. I was 16 then. I remember running behind the bus and people had lined up on both sides of the roads to catch a glimpse of the King of Boxing, Gunasekaran added.

The decked up Nehru Stadium the venue, was struggling to hold the crowd that was pouring in from noon. My father and Ali had a shadow fight and then he was briefed about our then Chief Minister M.G.Ramachandran, an avid sports lover. Clippings and photos from MGR movies where he acted as a boxer, impressed Ali, who spent a considerable time in soaking in the local culture, Gunasekaran recalled...

(photos, above MGR holding the hands of Muhammad Ali and Jimmy Ellis and below from the movie Kavalkaran, MGR acted as a boxer)

01 June 2016

MGR In Digital Books

Sri MGR Year 99, 1st June,Wednesday

Panther Publishers who have published Mohandas book titled "MGR The Man and the Myth" have now released the same book in digital format, we can read the book with our mobile phone or tablet. 

Panther publishers have sent their greetings to me and informed me that the English version and as well the Tamil version "MGR Nijamum Nizhalum" will be published in e-book. 

The English version is released lately and below is the link for buying the book.

Click to buy the Book:

Below is the extract from their mail.

We are happy to inform you that the English edition is now available as e-book for the smart phones - through the App "DailyHunt" and we will be releasing the Tamil version - "Nigamum Nilalum" soon. We will keep you posted once it is released.

M.G.R. Blog to you via E mail

M.G.R. Blog to you via E mail
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