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28 May 2014

Ayirathil Oruvan Release 14

Sri MGR Year 97, 28th May, Wednesday

Ayirathil Oruvan restored version is now celebrating 75th day in Chennai city. Below is a video of our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR exhibiting the leadership qualities after saving Jayalalitha.



The video is captured in Albert theatre on the 52nd day with 800+ crowd.

Booking status yesterday Sathyam Studio 5, at 4.50 pm.




Status 5.40 pm.

Today Maalai Malar has published a news article regarding the 75h day of Ayirathil Oruvan and the collection details given by Divya films Chockalingam.


More videos will follow soon.

75th Day celebration for our MGR starrer Ayirathil Oruvan restored version was conducted in Sathyam cinemas by all MGR Fans association. Below are some of the images forwarded and to be shared in our MGR blog by B.S.Raj, Editor Olikirathu Urimaikural magazine, photos captured by MGR devotees.




During interval time Divya Films Chockalingam was felicitated by MGR Devotees.

26 May 2014

Nalla Neram 2014

Sri MGR Year 97, 26th May, Monday

Devar films first Tamil colour movie Nalla Neram is re-released this week in Pilot theatre as 2 shows. The distributors had given impressive image ads in Daily Thanthi and as well as posters in the city.


Above is the ad given on 23.5.2014.


Above ad in Sunday Newspaper of Daily Thanthi. Yesterday MGR Devotee Yukesh Babu called me and told that print is not that good. Around 450 people watched the evening show in Pilot.

Today booking status at 5.30 pm in Sathyam, Studio 5 for Ayirathil Oruvan restored version.


75th day ad given in Daily Thanthi one theatre added Kanchipuram – Narayanamurthy.

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Image of 75th day celebration will be posted soon.

23 May 2014

Post #1000

Sri MGR Year 97, 23rd May, Friday

This post is our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Blog’s 1000th post. The blog’s first post was drafted in November 2005 and was later posted in December 2005. Support for this blog came from far and wide. The spirit of MGR blessed this blog and now it has reached 1000 posts.



The 1,000th post coincides with Ayirathil Oruvan restored version reaching 75th day. Above image is the 75th day poster and below is the 75th day ad given in Daily Thanthi.



At this juncture of 1000 posts in, I like to thank my friend Muralidharan, MGR Devotees Yukesh Babu, Sathya, Venkat, Olikirathu Urimaikural Editor B.S.Raju, MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan’s son Govindaraj, Sailesh Basu, Sree Sitharan (Malaysia) and the foremost MGR’s Grandson MGCB Pradeep for their continuous and uninterrupted support for our site.

After 2008 during the Golden Jubilee of Nadodi Mannan post many MGR devotees came forward and showed their support and helped me to write many blog posts of them MGR Devotees Vinod and Tirupur Ravichandran are foremost to mention.

Some of MGR Fans and Devotees who supported by sharing information, article, images and comments are, E.Baskaran, S.S.Perumal, Kalaimani, T.Nagar Ramamurthy (with rare images), Elangovan, Jaishankar (Salem), Kalyiaperumal, Muthaiyan, Ferdinand (France), Madurai S.Kumar, Marmayogi Manohar, Professor Selvakumar, Murugan Dharmalingam, MGR Visiree Abul Hassan (United States), Dilkaran (Canada), Jayan Krishnan (Singapore), Thiruvenkadam (Trichy), Chandran (Singapore), K.P.Ramesh and his brother K.P.Suresh, Shivakumar Sampath (Shimoga), Vellore Ramamurthy, Fabian Paul (Bangladesh), Baskar (Qatar), David Christopher (Malaysia), Anand Parmesh, K.K.Yoganathan (Canada), Mrs.Radha Balasubramanian (United States, who had sent rare images of MGR in Russian Embassy), Nalankilli, Shivashanmugam, B.S.Velmurugan, Selvakumar, Balan Nair (Canada). And also facebook friends, supporters, pardon me if I missed some important persons.

I wish to thank all MGR fans association members some that comes to my mind are Kalaiventhan MGR Bakthargal, Kalaiventhan MGR Bakthargal Trust, Ponmanachemmal MGR Bakthargal, Aanaithulaga MGR Pothunala Sangam and other MGR associations from Tamil Nadu, Pondichery and Karnataka etc.

I also have to thank many Nadigar Thilagam fans who curiously watch the blog posts and comment either in this site or in the forums.

And many many persons who still watch but never ever contact us.

Before publishing this post number of pages viewed is 11,39,547 as per Blogger and as per Webstat it is 8,89,708.

21 May 2014

Ayirathil Oruvan Release 13

Sri MGR Year 97, 21st May, Wednesday

This is the 999th post of our MGR Blog.

The restored version Ayirathil Oruvan was released in 2nd week of March 2014 all over South India, Singapore, Malaysia, UAE and France, now the movie is reaching a milestone of 75th day.

Below are two videos captured in Albert theatre for the 52nd day. The first video is title scene and followed by the first scene of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR in the movie.


Second video is the song Yen Endra Kelvi. I was sitting in the balcony, one  MGR fan sitting in my row stepped out and was playing like our Thalaivar for the song. Suddenly people started to shout (3.17, you can see one hand) I looked out from the camera and found he was in the edge of the balcony wall and was gesturing like MGR, nothing serious happened but he ruined our joyous evening. I had added brightness to show you what he is doing on the balcony wall. After the end of the song only he came back to the seat. About this person he is not drunk might be trying to get attention or over awed by the song.

Video link for the song, click the link given below.



Above is the ad for the 75th day of Ayirathil Oruvan restored version.


Above image is the poster for 75th day.

More information will follow.

18 May 2014

Ayirathil Oruvan Status

Sri MGR Year 97, 18th May, Sunday

Divya Films had restored and released Padmini Pictures and Puratchi Thalaivar MGR starrer Ayirathil Oruvan all over South India, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, United Arab Emirates and France.

Below are some of the booking status of Ayirathil Oruvan restored version, captured at 5 pm everyday for Studio 5, Sathyam complex.


Above 10th May, Saturday.

Below 11.5.2014, Sunday.


Below 13.5.2014, Tuesday.


Below image is for booking status for 14.5.2014.


Missed the 16th May due to election result.

Below 17.5.2014 booking status.


Today evening show booking status.



Videos of 50th day celebration in Albert will be uploaded soon.

17 May 2014

Guardian Angel

Sri MGR Year 97, 17th May, Saturday

Yesterday 2014 Lok Sabha election result was announced and our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR founded party AIADMK won single handedly, 37 seats out of 40 with the help of MGR’s vote bank and Two Leaves symbol.


Above is the map showing the 39 constituencies and the respective parties which won, shared from Daily Thanthi.

Puratchi Thalaivar MGR founded the party in 1972, after persuasion of the people to remove the atrocious and corrupt rule of DMK. The general people supported MGR and he became the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, the overwhelming support continued and still continues now, a generation after his death.


After the 2014 election result the victorious ADMK members poured milk over their Leaders statue and showed their respect and devotion. Image courtesy MGR Devotee Loganathan.

AIADMK contested this Lok Sabha general election without any alliance, the party general secretary Jayalalitha’s shrewd campaign, her deeds to the people and more over the victorious Two Leaves symbol and the Guardian Angel always in her side yielded the unprecedented victory to AIADMK. We thank the people who supported and made this a possibility.


This month header image for our MGR blog is Victoria crowning our Puratchi Thalaivar. The Roman Goddess of victory is always with our Guardian Angel MGR.

13 May 2014

Ayirathil Oruvan Release 12

Sri MGR Year 97, 13th May, Tuesday

Padmini Pictures and our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR starrer Ayirathil Oruvan was restored and released by Divya Films Chockalingam all over South India, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada and France.

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Above ad given in Daily Thanthi on Sunday, 11th May. The movie is also screened this week in:

Cheyyar – Kanniappa

Arani – Karthikeyan

Ambur – Karthick

Alankulam – Lakshmi Narayana

Vikrasingapuram – Thai Cines

Puliangkudi – Meenatchi

Tutucorin – Murugan

Nanganallur – Vetri Velan

Video and images of 50th day celebrations in Albert for Ayirathil Oruvan restored version will be updated soon.

11 May 2014

41st Anniversary

Sri MGR Year 97, 11th May, Sunday

Today 11.5.2014 is the 41st Anniversary of Emgeeyar Pictures and one of the greatest hit movies of our beloved Puratchi Thalaivar MGR movie Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban. The movie was produced and directed by MGR. Principal photography of the movie began in September 8th 1970 in Expo 70, Osaka, Japan and released 11th May 1973.

usv_cover   usv_cover_3

The movie was released amidst hurdles created by the then DMK government. Tax for posters were increased to make this film drop out of the box office. Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban created box office records despite without help of posters. That was the mass of MGR, unprecedented  and unique in Tamil movie industry.


To commemorate, is publishing for the first time images from the special editions and ads scanned from the original source material.

Thirai Ulagam and Thirai Seithi magazines released special editions of Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban. These magazines are preserved to this date and shared with us.


Above is the ad given in Tamil Newspapers showing the list of theatres which had continuous 100 shows houseful, a rare feet.


Silver jubilee ad given in Dinamani dated 29.10.1973 during its 25th week. Apart from this box office the movie was insured and two negatives were printed and the negatives were given in custody of Hindi film actor and director Raj Kapoor.

08 May 2014

Manimaran In Dubai

Sri MGR Year 97, 8th May, Thursday

Padmini Pictures and our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR starrer 1965 hit movie Ayirathil Oruvan was restored and released with Di and DTS effect by Divya Films. The restored version of Ayirathil Oruvan was released on March 14th all over South India.


Subsequently Ayirathil Oruvan was released in Malaysia, Singapore, Canada. On May 1st Ayirathil Oruvan restored version was released as special show in Golden Cinema, Dubai.


MGR Devotee Sailesh Basu has requested his friend to take some images to be shared in our MGR blog.

Below is the image of Ayirathil Oruvan poster fixed in front of the theatre. The show was houseful.


05 May 2014

Ayirathil Oruvan Release 11

Sri MGR Year 97, 5th May, Monday

Yesterday our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR starrer Ayirathil Oruvan restored version screening shifted from Baby Albert to Albert, to accommodate for the 50th day celebration. By 5 pm all MGR Fans association had assembled in front of the theatre.


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MGR banners were garlanded, the association members celebrated the 52nd day in grand manner.



A part of the crowd garlanding MGR banner followed by Milk abhishekam, bursting crackers and distribution of sweets.



Part of the crowd inside the theatre.



By 5.30 pm Balcony and Rs.50 were sold out.

Below is the video uploaded in facebook. Click the given link.



Yesterday booking status for Sathyam 6.40 pm show.



More images and videos of yesterday MGR devotee function will follow.

02 May 2014

Ayirathil Oruvan 50th Day

Sri MGR Year 97, 2nd May, Friday

Today is the 50th day of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR starrer Ayirathil Oruvan restored version. The movie is running successfully in two theatres in Chennai, they are Sathyam Studio 5 and Baby Albert.

1 2

Yesterday when MGR fans association tried to erect banners in Sathyam theatre the Police denied permission hinting at the Election commission order.


Today with a written request given by MGR Fans association to the Police and they allowed to erect only one banner and that should be removed within two hours.



MGR fans celebrated with merry by garlanding, lighting camphor and distributing sweets to the public. Today show was houseful.

5 minutes video of 50th day celebration in Sathyam cinemas.

All the above images and video is shared by MGR Devotee Sathya.

More images and videos will follow soon.

01 May 2014

45th Year

Sri MGR Year 97, 1st May, Thursday

Emgeeyar Pictures and our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar dual role movie Adimai Penn was released on 1.5.1969 and today is the 45th year anniversary. Below are some of the ads and paper cuts of Adimai Penn for the first release.


First time in our MGR blog we are uploading the ads scanned from the original source. Note Adimai Penn release was planned for December but was released on 1969 May.

adimai-penn_today   adimaipenn_release

From today ad to the left is from Samaneedhi and to the right is from Daily Thanthi.

400shows   record

In Chennai Adimai Penn was released in Midland, Mekala, Srikrishna and Noorjahan. In all these centres the movie had continuous 100 shows housefull above is the ad published in the Tamil Newspaper.

adimaipenn_50days adimai_penn_75days

Ad for Adimai Penn 50 plus days and to the right 75th day ad.


100th day ad from Salem Santhi theatre and below is 175th day ad from Madurai, Chinthamani theatre.


And bonus one, the poster used in 80s for Adimai Penn.


Below is the slide show.


All the above Newspaper cuts and ads were shared by Olikirathu Urimaikural Editor B.S.Raju and MGR Devotee Venkat.

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