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08 December 2019
Castrol CRB Plus
08 November 2019
Our Country
Sri MGR Year 102nd 8th November, Friday
God grant that we shall never seeOur country slave to lust and greed;
God grant that here all men shall be
United by a common creed.
Here Freedom's Flag has held the sky
Unstained, untarnished from its birth;
Long may it wave to typify
The happiest people on the earth.
An Inspirational poem by American poet Edgar Albert Guest.

23 October 2019
Sri MGR Year 102, 23rd October, Wednesday
04 October 2019
The Magic Of MGR
Sri MGR Year 102, 4th October, Friday
But her first English title Unique Nature of MGR Fans is slated for launch on September 18 in Chennai. "Non-resident Tamils have established MGR associations in every part of the world. Many do not read Tamil but they want to know more about the cult figure that he was. So, I am writing in English too," she says. For her Tamil series of books, Rajeswari has identified subjects she wants to highlight. "it is not difficult to discover a new thing about MGR each time I meet a fan of his. There is a bit of MGR in each of them," she says, adding, "This is not because I'm a fan myself."
It was at the MGR Ulaga Peravai Manadu in Chennai last year that Rajeswari decided on her compendium. "Even three decades after his death, it is fascinating how much he is loved and revered as a philanthropist, she says. Rajeswari began researching MGR in the 1990s, when she was doing her PhD and was asked to assist Rev CRW David, the head of communications at Tamil Nadu Theological Seminary, Madurai, for his thesis on communicative value of MGR solo songs.
"I collected MGR songs and did the content analysis." Later, when she started teaching Tamil to foreign research scholars in colleges affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, she was often asked if Indian actors joined politics only because of their popularity. This made her take a deeper look at Tamil films from the 1940s through to the 1970s. "I found two interesting things. MGR was not a swashbuckling hero, but he was popular for his generosity both in real and reel life. Whatever he did in his movies proved true in some way."
As part of her research, Rajeswari reads books and newspaper articles, watches MGR interviews and meets hundreds of fans from all walks of life, including rickshaw pullers and tea kiosk owners. She even visited the MGR temple in Thiruninravur to understand the mindset of his fans, where she came across 'devotees' who consider MGR deivam (God). They chant his name 108 times as if they were shlokas, and observe 25 days of abstinence from December 24 (the date of his death) to January 17 (his date of birth), at the end of which they visit the temple.
The more people she met including those who worked with him - like his tailor, photographer and personal cook - Rajeswari found MGR's life, behaviour and attitude towards people and work is what set him apart. The best anecdotes were shared by his three nieces Geetha, Latha and Sudha, and his adopted daughter Radha. They described him as someone who remained popular among the poor, and was friends of the wealthy too, and that he conversed only in Tamil and was passionate about upholding the legacy of Tamil culture and literature, she says.
"His fans love him for his confidence and optimism and also exempt him from being culpable for anything," she adds.
20 September 2019
A Day With MGR's Bodyguard
Sri MGR Year 102nd, 20th September, Friday
02 September 2019
God's Parade
Sri MGR Year 102nd, 02nd September, Monday
Ponmanachemmal MGR Temple in Nathamedu celebrated its 9th year anniversary. Throngs of devotees all over the State and some from foreign paid their visit on 15th August 2019.
Click the above image to read.
Images are shared by MGR fans and devotees in social media platforms.
10 August 2019
Everliving MGR (என்றும் வாழும் எம்ஜிஆர்)
Sri MGR Year 102nd, 10th August, Saturday
K.P.Ramakrishnan, MGR's bodyguard, has written two books on our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR, named "Manitha Punithar MGR" and "MGR Oru Sagapatham" through Ananda Vikatan Publications. Now the third book titled "என்றும் வாழும் எம்ஜிஆர் " is published this week.
Already, K.P.Ramakrishnan has given the royalty of the books to Vishrathi Home for the Aged and this new book royalty will go to the same.
"Endrum Vazhum MGR" book is priced Rs.175/- per copy. More about this book is given below by R.Govindaraj, son of K.P.Ramakrishnan.
உயிரோட்டமுள்ள தலைப்பில் உருவாகியுள்ள இந்நூலின் விற்பனையிலிருந்து ஆசிரியர் எனும் வகையில் தனக்கு கிடைக்கப் பெறவுள்ள ராயல்டி எனப்படும் காப்புறுதி தொகையினை சென்னை பாலாவாக்கத்தில் செயல்பட்டுவரும் ஆதரவற்ற முதியோர் பராமரிப்பு மையமான விஷராந்தி அறக்கட்டளைக்கு ஐயா திரு.கேபி.ராமகிருஷ்ணன் அவர்கள் மனிதநேயத்தோடு வழங்கியுள்ளதோடு இந்நூலை வாங்கும் ஒவ்வொருவரும் அதற்கான அச்சிறப்பினை பெற்றிடும் வகையில் இந்த நற்செயலை செய்துள்ளார் என்பது இந்நூலுக்கான கூடுதல் சிறப்பு.
புரட்சித்தலைவர் எம்ஜிஆர் அவர்களது திரையுலக வாழ்விலும் பொது வாழ்விலும் இரவு பகல் பாராது அவர் செய்துள்ள எண்ணிடங்கா மனித நேய நிகழ்வுகளை அருகேயிருந்து கண்டு மகிழ்ந்த திரு.கேபி.ராமகிருஷ்ணன் அவர்கள் தானும் புரட்சித்தலைவர் வழியில் இத்தகைய செயற்கரிய நிகழ்வினை நிகழ்த்தி காட்டியுள்ளது என்பது மிகவும் போற்றத்தக்கது.
20 July 2019
Silence Of The Sea
Sri MGR Year 102, 20th July, Saturday
22 June 2019
Film That Made Icons
Sri MGR Year 102, 22nd June, Saturday
24 May 2019
An Emotional Moment
Sri MGR Year 102, 24th May, Friday
Above article is from Chennai Friday Review of The Hindu.
The article and some images from the function shared by K.P.Ramakrishnan's son R.Govindaraj are given below.
Thanks to Govindaraj for sharing this in our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR blog.
14 May 2019
Dr. Hande's Role
Sri MGR Year 102, 14th May, Tuesday
11 May 2019
Reminiscing Adimai Penn
Sri MGR Year 102, 11th May, Saturday
01 May 2019
Loyalty And Royalty
Sri MGR Year 102, 1st May Wednesday
How many of us will extend our earnings to charity? Most of us will share a part from our earning but not all. But when extreme loyalty to Sri MGR the God of the poor can make us to give our entire earning to noble cause.
24 April 2019
MGR As Kala
Sri MGR Year 102, 24th April, Wednesday
Eventhough it is not perfect MGR look alike but it gave me goose bumps on the climax scene. The final words of the judges is worth to see.
14 April 2019
What's In A Station's Name?
Sri MGR Year 102, 14th April, Sunday
Below is the article that was published in The Hindu daily.
07 April 2019
Dr. MGR Central
Sri MGR Year 102 6th April, Sunday
Last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the Chennai Central Station will be renamed as "Puratchi Thalaivar Dr. MGR Central Railway Station"
Yesterday an official notification was issued about the name change. The same was published in the government gazette.
04 April 2019
புரட்சி தலைவர் எம். ஜி.ஆர். மறுபிறவியெடுத்த வரலாறு
Sri MGR Year 102, 4th April, Thursday
18 March 2019
Adimai Penn MGR Costume
Sri MGR Year 102, 18th March, Monday
Beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR’s costume designer have quoted that MGR asks to stitch couple of dresses for a situation out of that he will choose only one.
Click the above “X” image.
Recently someone in the Facebook have uploaded the costumes used by MGR and Sivaji in Mumbai cinema museum. Of this the Adimai Penn costume was in display.
The dress is in immaculate and exceptional condition. To the left of the image we can see another mannequin the shadow shows same kind of costume. But he has not uploaded other image.
To my knowledge the above costume did not appear in the final cut of the film. Maybe MGR could have used in some other scene or like I said earlier it may be another set of dress that he did not choose to wear in the film.
07 March 2019
The Good, The Bad And The Holy
18 February 2019
Coming Soon
1973 வாக்கில் தமிழ்நாட்டில் தி.மு.க. ஆட்சியின் போது 2010ல் நமக்கு ஏற்பட்ட அறிவிக்கப்படாத மின்வெட்டு போன்றே அப்பொழுதும் ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. அன்றைய காலகட்டத்திலும் ஆட்சியாளர்கள் தற்போது கூறும் காரணங்களையே அப்பொழுதும் சொல்லி இருக்கிறார்கள் என்பது ஆச்சரிய படத்தக்க அம்சம். ஆட்சியாளர்கள் மாறினாலும் அரசியல்வாதிகள் மாறுவதில்லை.
இந்த புத்தகத்தில் பொன்மனச்செம்மல் எம்.ஜி.ஆர். அவர்கள் சில பாராட்டு கூட்டத்திலும் கலந்து கொண்டு பேசியதையும் கொடுத்து இருக்கிறேன். மேலும் பேரறிஞர் அண்ணா பிறந்த நாள் விழாவில் அன்றேயுள்ள கட் அவுட் கலாச்சாரம் பற்றியும், கலைஞர் அவர்களின் ஆட்சின் போது அண்ணா தி.மு.க. தொண்டர்கள் சந்தித்த நெருக்கடிகளையும், போலீஸ் தலையீடும், எம்.ஜி.ஆர். பேசும் பொது கூட்டத்தில் கட்டவிழ்த்துவிடப்படும் வன்முறையும் அதை தடுக்காமல் இருந்த காவல்துறை பற்றியும், பம்பாயில் நடந்த சிறப்பு கூட்டத்தில் தன் மேல் அன்றைய இந்திரா காங்கிரஸ் அரசு எடுத்த வருமான வரி வழக்கு தொடர்பாக பேசிய விவரங்களும், பாரத பிரதமர் இந்திரா காந்தி அவர்களுக்கு எதிராக துணிச்சலுடன் எதிர்த்து ஆற்றிய உரையும் இதில் அடங்கியுள்ளன.
04 February 2019
13 January 2019
Ithu Than Yen Pathil
Sri MGR Year 101, 13th January 2019
I thank one and all for downloading Puratchi Thalaivar MGR book “Ithu Than Yen Pathil” from Amazon.
The above book is my first time publication in Tamil. The publication of this book is a test for me, as the language to be typed in Tamil and I want to check how will the layout and font size will look after publication, it worked well.
Title of the Book : Ithu Than Yen Pathil
Original Title : இது தான் என் பதில்
Product Description
1961ல் திரைச்செய்தி என்னும் பத்திரிகையில் வெளிவந்த கேள்வி பதில்களில் சுவையான மற்றும் சவாலான கேள்விகளை புரட்சி தலைவர் எங்ஙனம் எதிர்கொண்டு பதிலளித்தார் என்பதை இன்றைய இளைய சமுதாயத்திற்கு தெரியவேண்டி இந்த புத்தகம் வெளியிடப்படுகிறது.
Product details
- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 893 KB
- Print Length: 9 pages
- Sold by: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited
- Language: Tamil
- Word Wise: Not Enabled
- Screen Reader: Supported
- Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
- Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #33,219 Paid in Kindle Store
#84 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Politics > Political Ideologies
- #1879 in Books > Politics
Publication Date: 26.12.2018
Chart showing the sale report of MGR’s Ithu Than Yen Pathil (The above right chart looks like Peraringnar Anna’s pointing hand in ADMK flag?)
The book can be downloaded and can be read free using Kindle Unlimited.
Click the above image for the link for download.
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