Sri MGR Year 94, 21st August, Sunday
MGR acted movies which were released in 1961 have completed 50 years and we (all MGR Fans, Olikirathu Urimaikural and ALS Productions) have celebrated the function in German Hall, Chennai on 14.8.2011.
The video clipping was presented to the VIPs and audience, the response was awesome.
When the clipping was showing the song “Thottal Poo Malarum” from Padagoti Mrs.Saroja Devi entered the Function hall as a coincidence.

The Bangalore flight was late and she came late to the function, Mrs.Saroja Devi was welcomed by Olikirathu Urimaikural members and on behalf of ALS productions Jayanthi Kannappan.
MGR Devotees and MGR Fans from Coimbatore, Tirupur, Madurai and Vellore presented shawl to their Sister-in-law.
Seen above were MGR Devotees and MGR Fans to name the few are Engineer Duraisamy (Coimbatore), Tirupur Ravichandran, Madurai Tamilnesan.

Playback Singer P.Susheela with Saroja Devi reliving the past.
5 minute speech of Saroja Devi that showed her complete loyalty to our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR and some interesting facts about Thirudathae shooting. The video was already uploaded earlier in our Blog.
The function images were made into Video.