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Golden Jubilee Padagotti

31 October 2013

Nadodi Mannan Film Script

Sri MGR Year 96, 31st October, Thursday

MGR Fans much anticipated book Nadodi Mannan movie dialogues published by Kannadasan Pathipagam, Chennai had hit the book stands.

Recently MGR Devotee Sailesh Basu gave this book to me to share in our MGR blog.




The book is nicely printed and bound. It has coloured MGR image and a black and white image from Nadodi Mannan. The cost of the book is Rs.100/- with 200 pages includes the dialogues, songs, snippets and the story in shorter version.

More information about the book is provided in the link below, please click the book image below.



29 October 2013

Re Release Thedi Vantha Maapillai

Sri MGR Year 96, 29th October, Tuesday

Padmini Pictures colour movie and MGR starrer Thedi Vantha Maapillai is re-released this week in Mahalakshmi theater. MGR Devotee Ilangovan has shared the below images.

Thedi Vantha Maapillai was released for the first time on 29.8.1970 all over South, directed by Panthalu, MGR character name is Sankar. Fast paced MGR action movie, a son revenging for his father’s death is the core of the story. MGR also disguises as an age old dance master who sings, dances and does a fight with cans is a memorable part of the movie.



The movie has mesmerizing songs, some are Vetri methu vetri vanthu, a philosophical song, playback by S.P.Balasubramaniam, Thottu Kattava MGR solo song (in disguise), and the famous duet song Manicka theril.



Uploaded by Goldtreat


Uploaded by Diravida Selvam. A TMS fan who had uploaded most of the songs sung by TMS in youtube.



Some of MGR fans in front of the theater.


Lovely duet song, uploaded by Abdul Gafoor in youtube.

26 October 2013

Golden Jubilee Kanchi Thalaivan

Sri MGR Year 96, 26th September, Saturday

Today is the Golden Jubilee year of Kanchi Thalaivan movie. MGR acted as Narasimhavarman I (Narasimha Pallavan) also known as Mamallan, S.S.Rajendran as the commander Paranjothi and Asokan as Pulikesi (Pulakesin II), the Chalukya King.




The story is about the rivalry between Pallavas and Chalukyas, MGR as the Pallava King rules Kanchipuram with peace, Asokan (Pulikesi) whose desire is to capture Kanchipuram, with a cunning plan sends Poovikraman (M.R.Radha) and Chola Kumari (Banumathy) to Kanchi. According to his plan Poovikraman works as a sculptor in Kanchi and Chola Kumari comes to Kanchi as unofficial. Paranjothi (S.S.Rajendran) arrests Chola Kumari and takes her to the court of Narasimha Pallavan, there MGR (Narasimha Pallavan) gives due respect and frees her.  Meantime Narasimha Pallavan friend (King of Ceylon) Manavaraman loses his crown, with his family comes to Kanchi to get the help from his friend, unfortunately the ship wrecks and his family is separated. Poovikaraman had the opportunity to save the baby of Manavaraman and later his wife.


KAN KAVARUM SILAYAE Song from youtube.



Wrestling contest takes place in Kanchi and the contestant from Pallava gets defeated and Narasimha Pallavan takes up the challenge and defeats his contender and gets the title of Mamallan. Poovikaraman asks Chola Kumari to invite Narasimha Pallavan and asks her to give poison. But she is in love with Narasimhan, during the feast she provokes the anger of Narasimha Pallavan and makes him leave the party without taking the food. Later Narasimha Pallavan comes to know about her real self through one of his spies.

Poovikaraman sends another girl in place of Manavarman wife (G.Sakunthala) to Paranjothi, on the way she tries to seduce Paranjothi and gives an impression that Manavarman wife is adulterous. Paranjothi mention this to Narasimha Pallavan in front of his friend Manavarman, Paranjothi gets slapped by his king. Paranjothi loyalty stays same after this incident. Manavarman tries to kill his wife but Narasimha Pallavan plays a drama and finds out that the girl Paranjothi took with him is not the wife of  Manavarman. Their friendship is renewed.

Though Chola Kumari is against the wish of Pulikesi, her love  to Leader of Kanchi creates a problem in the kingdom. Narasimha Pallavan allies turn against him, when he mentions that he is going to marry Chola Kumari. The time was now ripe for Pulikesi to attack and hold Kanchi forever. Commander of Kanchi, Paranjothi resigns from his post due to the love between Narasimha Pallavan and Chola Kumari. The king appoints Manavarman as his commander, due to this his baby was slaughtered by Pulikesi. Initially Kanchi loses some of its forts to Pulikesi.


Song uploaded by Thravida Selvam in youtube.


Narasimha Pallavan’s sister (Vijayakumari) who is attached to Paranjothi asks his help, he turns down. She goes to temple to pray where Poovikaraman plans to kill Narasimha Pallavan, before the explosives (tendered from the disciple of Hieun Tsang a Chinese traveler) goes off, Narasimha Pallavan comes out of the temple but his sister dies. Chola Kumari speaks with Narasimha Pallavan allies and consents to their wish that she will not marry the Kanchi King. Now Paranjothi volunteers for the war and takes up the commanding position with Narasimha Pallavan, Manavarman in one side and the allies of Kanchi in another side destroys the force of Pulikesi and he was later killed in the battle.

Finally Kanchi’s allies changes their wish and ask Chola Kumari to marry Kanchi Thalaivan. Thus ends the story.

In my opinion when you read the story you can feel that the least used character of this movie is none other than the Hero. MGR had less importance and the producers found out through the release of the movie. Later they rectified their mistake by producing a colour movie with MGR titled Engal Thangam.

They used very little of MGR’s charisma and gave importance to S.S.Rajendran, Banumathy, M.R.Radha and Asokan. The highlight of the movie for MGR Fan and Devotees is the court scene where MGR gives justice to Senthamarai and the wrestling fight. In the contest MGR as the King watches his enemy country man winning, MGR does not show his contempt or anger but only the feelings of a fellow wrestler when his opponents uses breathtaking techniques to out wit Kanchi wrestler. In a instant MGR’s face changes when the wrestler mocks Kanchi’s subject, MGR takes up the challenge and wins easily. Another mention is the breast plate worn by MGR which was unique and captures our attention.

Another important factor we should be proud of is the character Narasimha Pallavan is claimed to be one of the nine Indian Kings who never lost on the battlefield to their enemies, the other Kings are Ajatashatru, Chandragupta Maurya, Karikala Chola, Kochengannan, Cheran Senguttuvan of the Sangam age, Samudragupta, Rajaraja Chola and Rajendra Chola. In real life MGR is one and only who never lost in elections and always victorious whatever subject he ventures into.

The movie has 9 songs

1. Avaniellam Puzhgal – Song by people of Kanchi

2. Kan Kavarum silaiyae  - (MGR song, shows him sculpturing a statue in Mamallapuram shore temple)

3. Ulagam Suthuthu - (M.R.Radha song)

4. Mayangatha Manam – a beautiful mesmerizing song performed by Banumathy

5. Vanathil Varuvathu – Duet song for S.S.Rajendran and Vijayakumari

6. Ninaithu Vantha – Sad song for MGR

7. Oru Kodiyil – another sad song for MGR

8. Ooiyirai tharukindran – Sad song for Vijayakumari

9. Velga Nadu – slow song for the climax!

Unprecedented two sad songs to MGR no duet song and no philosophy song. With less opportunity given, MGR has done his part well.

The title Kanchi Thalaivan is synonym to Peraringnar Anna the mentor of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar.  MGR title was shown with M.G.Ramachandran, M.L.C., may be this is the first and last movie to show such a title.

19 October 2013

MGR Costumes II

Sri MGR Year 96, 19th October, Saturday

This is the continuation to the post titled MGR costumes from the movie Ithayakani. We have already uploaded the costumes used by MGR for the first half of the movie. Below is the continuation from the second half.

1   2

The above image to the left is from the Hotel scene in Bangalore. MGR takes Radha Saluja to room number 666. Right image, followed by the meeting of Rajasulochana for her birthday and swimming pool scene.



3   4

The image to left is Raja Mahal MGR wears double colour suit gives brown shade. I liked this suit very much. To the right is with V.Gopalakrishnan and MGR taking the revolver having the finger print of Radha Saluja.


5   6

Upon verification MGR orders to arrest Radha Saluja and following scene.



7   8

MGR in disguise and followed by the hospital scene, Court scene etc.



9   10

MGR in another disguises as M.G.Red visits Rajasulochana’s party ensuing to boat chasing in Pichavaram (later the place is called MGR Thittu) and finally the culprits taken into custody.


Total number of costume change is 35. The songs are uploaded in youtube by respective uploaders.


Below is the link to the first part of MGR Costumes from the movie Ithayakani.

MGR Costumes

13 October 2013

Dr.MGR The Pride Of Our Nation

Sri MGR Year 96, 13th October, Sunday

An article written by playback singer P.B.Srinivas. He had lent his voice to our Puratchi Thalaivar in couple of movies.


Three different letters out of the alphabet joined together to create a universal record in Arts as well as Politics. MGR created unprecedented history by his marvelous, generous and remarkable life, the synonym of super success, making astounding progress.

Four decades ago, as an young school boy. I saw his film titled Rajakumari. I became his ardent fan forthwith, enchanted by his magnetic personality and very impressive performance. In those days, I could not even dream of an opportunity to sing for such a stalwart but when it happened during my film singing career, my joy knew no bounds.



I sang altogether four songs for him in four films, Mannathi Mannan, Thirudathae, Paasam and Kaadal Vaganam. The heart throb of million-billion-trillions. MGR is the unique leader of a most successful life and a glorious career. As a Man, Artiste and Politician, he proved his worth, with consummate skill and uncompromising and sincere in industry. From insignificant roles, he emerged and became a screen as well as real life hero, by virtue of very significant roles, thereafter. Whatever role he plays, he plays with full confidence and conviction in a care free style, with authenticity. Most of his films are roaring successes, as he could long back feel and study the pulse of the changing tastes of the public and accordingly he acted, directed and produced films which proved to be the best money spinners, making him and his producers stronger, more solid and sound. He gives some great messages or other in each film, especially about the supremacy of one’s own mother, above all.


Maximum Guaranteed Run is the faith and satisfaction of any of his producers, the moment he signs for films. MGR’s name itself is hailed as a symbol of inevitable success and moreover, the multifaceted capacity of MGR as a Super Star Artiste and film maker fetches his movies ever growing success and box office collections.

His success story still continues even after his debut in politics many years ago and rightly he is estimated by all as a single man institution. It is his divine intuition which makes study of all the nuances in any subject, that helps him achieve incessant success, making him an august legendary phenomenon.

His magnanimous nature and devotion to the cause of the afflicted distressed and aggrieved poor people, led him on the faith of humanitarian service. The benevolent donations, during all demanding situations are umpteen, out numbering the stars. “Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha” is an age old adage in Sanskrit, proclaiming that “Righteousness always protects it protector”. The adage is once again authentically proved on many critical occasions, in the philanthropic life of MGR – the Great.

Once his leg bone was broken and yet another time, when his life itself stood at stake he escaped from the ferocious jaws of Death, though for sometime his voice was affected making it difficult to speak. He slowly regained his voice and became a much more successful and dynamic film personality, with overwhelming popularity, growing day by day and film after film. Diverse experience taught him many useful lessons and his judging capacity of each situation has increased enormously, as his march forward continues invulnerably.

To-day, he is steady and strong on the peak of popularity and recognition, for his meritorious and multifarious humane deeds and activities. As a top hero for several years he created new records breaking his earlier ones. As a precise politician as well as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, he is settling new trends in settling amicably many disputes and tackling dire problems, easily and adeptly.

His shrewd and dauntless attitude towards disheartening mal-developments in his own opponent parties, is strengthening his commanding position in spite of his recent disarming ill health that necessitated a long treatment in America. Every time the devotion and the affectionate service he rendered, his mother serve as his armour, protecting him from all casualties.

Coming out with flying colours and doubled energy from each trial and tribulation, he is rendering his regime more powerful, vigorous glorious and illustrious, as the entire world is standing speechless, observing his miraculous progress agog. Such sovereign supremacy is given but to a few who lead golden chapters in the annals of ‘World History’.

He treats his people as his beloved children with full care, attention and genuine affection. He readily announces help in all possible ways and measures to the helpless victims of any calamity. The supply of free Mid day meal and many other facilities to the school children is a very bold step taken by his kind despite the financial risk involved therein. Notwithstanding the opposite stand of his party, regarding some policies and decisions, his unstrained relationship with the centre is amazing being ample proof of his all round capacity to rule dexterously as a politician in power.

The signal service he is rendering to Tamil and Tamil Nadu and his fluency in the language are remarkable. He has falsified the misgivings and rumours expressed by many big wigs, regarding how far and how long he can sustain and hold sway, as a film man voted to power. In fact from the beginning of his exemplary career, MGR gave solid proof of air tight organising capacity. No doubt he is the Master Graduate who has made a detailed and thorough study of the different courses of life, in the Universe- University.

He does deserve many a Doctorate, in addition to profuse tributes awards, rewards and enviable titles in honour of his record, record breaking achievements in both films and politics. Both as a competent ruler and compassionate human being Dr.M.G.Ramachandran is peerless as he has paved the way for a very bright future of Tamil Nadu by contributing his unfailing genius to the planning, forming and executing many multi purpose policies and projects that are going to build the sky kissing edifice of prosperity, on the strong foundation of his effective efforts and endeavours.

One day, when he was shooting, for a Tamil movie in Vijaya Vauhini studios, I wished him, as he was seated in a chair, waiting for the call from the Director. He affectionately received me offering a chair beside him and talked with me for almost an hour regarding his planning to make a Social film on the lines of Devadas, the famous story of Saratchandra Bose. During that hour long conversation, I could understand how he could become an ever-successful Top Hero and an able administrator of variegated activities.

He always has clear cut ideas about anything he wants to explain and gives a vivid and detailed picture of his ideas to the absorbed listeners. On another occasion at a function held by S.I.E.T. Women’s College, I was flabbergasted when I heard his spell binding speech which left an eternal indelible impression in my enchanted mind, by virtue of his fluency and skill in oratory too, never drifting away from the main point.

Many superb qualities are in love with MGR and together they have formed a very ideal leader called befittingly as “Puratchi Thalaivar” the dependable doyen of both films and politics. Caps off to his cap wearing towering personality in appreciation of his inimitable individuality.

08 October 2013

An Enigma

Sri MGR Year 96, 8th October, Tuesday

Director A.S.A.Samy, who raised MGR to the status of Hero in films. He stood stern in the movie Rajakumari that nobody except MGR should do that hero role. He had directed MGR in two movies, Sri Murugan and Rajakumari.


His article about our Puratchi Thalaivar.

When Shakespeare stated that some men are born great some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them, he did not have the likes of Dr.MGR in his reckoning. MGR does not belong to any of Shakespeare’s categories. Greatness dawned upon MGR. If uniqueness is the one  true attribute of greatness, then MGR has it aplenty.

The orbiting of his life from being just one of those obscure juvenile actors in a drama troupe to unparalleled heights of fame and popularity as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu is indeed a unique achievement.




Twice he passed through the gates of death but death was unable to get him. Revolver shots at murderously close range wound not shatter him. Ailments fraught with mortal complications dare not undo him. His resolute fortitude and the deep trenched power of his will to battle against the severest of odds have now become an object lesson to doctors and physicians to lecture to their patients as to how they should face their calamities with courage and faith.

It is ever body’s knowledge that he strode the celluloid world like the Colossus of proverbial fame. His films have minted gold to his producers. It is for nothing the he was titled “Vasool Mannan” – the monarch of the Box Office. But more than the Box Office pull, it was the pull he held on the masses that infused in their unlettered minds a socio-political consciousness of an indestructible kind. He infused in the masses hope for better things in their lives. In one of his films he proclaims through a song ‘Naan Aanai Ittal, Athu Nadanthu Vittal’ (If I were to issue orders and if such orders can fructify many are the good things this land and its people will have).



That, was not a flimsy or flimsy pronouncement of a celluloid hero but was “all real” was amply proved by his noon meals scheme mooted as soon as he took up the reigns of Government. Fully cognizant of the fact that today’s children are the citizens of tomorrow he had special messages for them in his films. In one song he advises thus ‘Thoongathey Thambi thoongathey"’ (slumber not young man, slumber not; lest you be dubbed as an idler). In another he sings ‘Chinna payale, chinna payale’ (Little chap, little chap listen to these tidings) In the evolution of such and similar songs he would as all have personal experience take prolific and painstaking interest to see that the contents of the songs were pregnant with purpose and that the tunes of the songs were easy and catchy. He wanted the songs to touch the hearts of the people. Such was his concern about the welfare of the land and its people. He used a medium, which primarily was only his profession for personal gains, for the good of the public too.



He was an actor all right. But he was at the same time a proficient technician too…. As an accredited technician I have been amazed, times without number, at his technical acumen. I often times, used to sense that if he would take to direction he would stand head and shoulders above many others of repute and that he would stamp his own individuality in ample measure. That mine was not an empty conjecture has been indisputably proved in the pictures for which he has handled the megaphone.

The quality of munificence associated with him, are too many and too various to need a repetition here. Here again his is an out of the ordinary known ways of the benevolence of those who are TONNED with money. It is said of most money bags that either they become seized by an incurable malady of preserving their ACCUMULATIONS ill gotten or well gotten that they sit over their money bags like watchful sentries preventing any depletion of what they possess or that they are so saturated with ideas of blowing up what they have and what they get, that they, therefore cannot and do not have the time or that thought for compassion or clemency.  The more they have the more they want. To them the quality of mercy, if and when they do have it, would only be strained. In the case of MGR however it dropeth as the gentle rain from Heaven, blessing him that gives and him that receives, as Shakespeare would put it. He is a sort of this century's version of the KODAI VALLALS of historic glory of Tamil Nadu. The more he has the more he wants other also to have. He, perhaps, is one who believes that true happiness is in seeing other happy – freed from their travails and tribulations, wiped of their tears – shed or unshed. He is one, to whom according to that hard nut CHO – a hungry empty pocketed person can go after kindling a confident fire in his hearth and return with the where – withal for his meal. Unique is his attributes of mercy.

Such attributes and many more are embossed in a single person. Indeed unique. How has that been possible? Many and varied are the explanations that could  be offered. Is it due as astrologers would want us to believe to an extra ordinary combination of stellar positions? Or is it, as the karma theorist would have it, that MGR has had various attributes in his previous births and that they have welded together in this birth of his? Is it, as the God minded would like to avow that MGR is one of those specially favoured by divinity? Is it, as the philosopher would emphasis, one of those rare occurrences when a phenomenon – like a comet – that manifests itself on and off in the history of mankind? Is it, as the sage would declare with convinced profundity, that MGR’s charities have been an armour against forces of evil? That is, as he would say Dharmam Thalai Kaakkum. Is it, as the realist would assure, that MGR is so, just because he is so? Is it, I would venture to suggest – an intrinsic part of an intensive personality as intrinsic as the magnetism in magnet, the glitter in gold, or the melody in music?

Verily MGR is indeed an ENIGMA, Indeed.

05 October 2013

An A To Z Wonder

Sri MGR Year 96, 5th October, Saturday

An article written by K.Ramadurai, the then Member of Public Relations Society of India, Society of Auditors, Joint Secretary of Movie Appreciation Society.

He had related the English alphabet to MGR.



Beautiful Actor

An Affable person

Beautiful Actor

Cheerful Character

Delightful Diplomat

Energetic Leader

Fantastic Performer

Genius Politician

Himalayan Hero

Intelligent Captain

Jubilant Man

Knowledgeable Person

Lovable Master

Meticulous Planner

Noble Leader

Optimistic Foreseer

Philanthropic person

Quiet Querist

Rightful Thinker

Studious Statesman

Tactical Administrator

Universal Revolutionist

Victorious Politician

Wonderful Winner

Xellent Host

Youthful Harbinger

Zealous Character

That is Marudur Gopalan Ramachandran



Meticulous Planner

02 October 2013


Sri MGR Year 96, 2nd October, Wednesday

MGR use to wear different kind of watches in his movies from Swiss made to Japan made. In the movie Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban (Raju character) and in the movie Idhayakani, MGR used Swiss made Vulcain series watch. The exact name of the watch is Vulcain Nautical Cricket Diver.



(Vulcain Nautical Cricket Diver)

Information about Vulcain Nautical Cricket Diver, released in the year 1970. With Hesalite crystal dial, the orange colors here are for a matter of function, allowing these charts (decompression charts) to be read quickly and accurately under water. The watch has two barrels, one barrel provides 42 hours of reserve for the time function and a 2nd barrel offers around 20 seconds of audible alarm under-water. (Remember in the movie Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban MGR mentions to Nagesh that the watch has alarm function)

Movement: Cricket Calibre V-10

Functions: hour, minute, centre seconds, alarm, decompression tables adjustable by a screw-lock crown at 4 o’clock

Case: steel, 42 mm in diameter, triple case-back in steel

Water Resistance: 300 meters / 990 feet enabling the use of the alarm function under water

Strap/Bracelet: black strap


watch_1   watch_2

(MGR used watch, close up image was shared by Kumar Rajendran)


In the above image to the left is the watch used by MGR, which is preserved in MGR memorial and image to the right is, MGR hand showing the Vulcain Nautical Cricket Diver from the scenes of two MGR movies.

A good news to MGR Fans and Devotees is that this Vulcain series watch is so popular and the company has released the series this year as an limited edition of 300 watches and the price tag is CHF 5000. In Indian money for today it is equivalent to Rs.3,45,690.00.

For purchasing this watch click the link below.

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