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19 October 2013

MGR Costumes II

Sri MGR Year 96, 19th October, Saturday

This is the continuation to the post titled MGR costumes from the movie Ithayakani. We have already uploaded the costumes used by MGR for the first half of the movie. Below is the continuation from the second half.

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The above image to the left is from the Hotel scene in Bangalore. MGR takes Radha Saluja to room number 666. Right image, followed by the meeting of Rajasulochana for her birthday and swimming pool scene.



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The image to left is Raja Mahal MGR wears double colour suit gives brown shade. I liked this suit very much. To the right is with V.Gopalakrishnan and MGR taking the revolver having the finger print of Radha Saluja.


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Upon verification MGR orders to arrest Radha Saluja and following scene.



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MGR in disguise and followed by the hospital scene, Court scene etc.



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MGR in another disguises as M.G.Red visits Rajasulochana’s party ensuing to boat chasing in Pichavaram (later the place is called MGR Thittu) and finally the culprits taken into custody.


Total number of costume change is 35. The songs are uploaded in youtube by respective uploaders.


Below is the link to the first part of MGR Costumes from the movie Ithayakani.

MGR Costumes

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