Sri MGR Year 93, 16th April Friday
Amalraj movies Netru Indru Nalai was released in Mahalakshmi Theater today. Before the movie was released a few days back when the poster was fixed in Mahalakshmi theater the following MGR Devotees D.Kumar, M.Santhakumar, Sellapandi, G.Raja, M.Sathya, S.Velu and Manivannan garlanded the poster.
The Pandal in front of the theater were fixed by D.Kumar, M.Santhakumar, Sellapandi, G.Raja, Manivannan, S.Velu, Murali, Ekattuthangal Raghu, A.Siva.
Various MGR Fan mandrams affixed their vinyl banner some was added after matinee show also. MGR Devotees from Kalaiventhan MGR Bakthargal Trust, Kalaiventhan MGR Bakthargal, Saidai Paguthi MGR Bakthargal, Makkal Thilagam MGR Pothunala Mandram banners were present before the show.

Sri MGR Bakthargal garlanded MGR cut out at 8 am. Some of the MGR Devotees placed Drinking water and provided Butter Milk to the people who came to see the movie. This arrangement was done by G.Raja, P.Sellapandi, D.Kumar, S.Velu and M.Sathya.

These computer generated MGR was done by MGR Devotee Tambaram Murali the eye catcher was Arasakattalai MGR riding a White horse.