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31 October 2007

Vathiyar Feasts II

MGR's Adimai Penn record :
"n the number two slot, in spite of heavy rains, is the re-release of the MGR classic Adimai Penn that took a decent opening."

Click here for full reading taken from

Yesterday and todays post are provided by Yukesh Babu (MGR Devotee)

30 October 2007

Adimai Penn is in the number 2 slot within 2 days. First postion is Malaikottai (New Film)

This was taken from

This was always on the cards after Nadodi Mannan drew a good response some time ago. Some classics are forever and the legend of MGR- the Puratchi Thalaivar is timeless. His magic never fades, he still has fans.

Trade Talk: Going by the response, Ulagum Suttrum Valibhan, Enga Veetu Pillai and the likes may soon come alive again.

Public Talk: MGR loyalists are just delighted to be able to see him on screen again. They can’t get enough of him.

No. Days Completed : 2 Days
No. Shows in Chennai over this weekend: 24
Average Theatre Occupancy over this weekend: 60 %
Collection over this weekend in Chennai: Rs.837,072
Total collections in Chennai by end of the first weekend: Rs.8 Lakhs

A simple calculation: If this trend goes on Adimai Penn will collect more than 1 crore in one month or 4 weeks time.

For the other box office records of this week click here:


29 October 2007

Emperor Returns

Monsoon rain sweeping Chennai for the past 3 days, hampering every day life of the City. For MGR fans it is celebration time. MGR pictures magnum opus production and Box Office record film of 1969 "Adimai Penn" was released in 5 theatres; 4 (Abirami, Melody, Sri Brinda, Vetri) 1 in Kanchipuram (Narayanamurthy) and another record of 4 shows in 4 theatres for second release. The theatres Abirami, Melody and Sri Brinda can accommodate nearly 900 persons per show. And Melody is screening 'Adimai Penn' for the first time.

Sri Brinda experience:

As planned earlier I went to Sri Brinda for the matinee show and my friends for the evening show in Melody. There is no end for the rain it started as a drizzle on Friday went on to Monday morning. I reached theatre half drenched, nearly 5 minutes, morning show ended and the fans with heart content came out. Some of the fans set fire to crackers - which obviously did not go well due to rain. And some fans lighted camphor near the cut out placed in the Entrance of the theatre.

While waiting I over heard some comments made by Die Hard MGR fans and one family came as far as from Veppampattu to watch this movie. I saw larger number of families came to watch Adimai Penn.

The print was very good and I contacted my friends and they said all the prints distributed for screening are also good. It was claps, praise and whistles when MGR comes on the screen and utters one liners. And cursed when the Villains laugh. Everyone enjoyed every frame of the movie.

For the story, cast and characters click the link below which I have written a year back.

Melody experience:

The climate got still worse in the evening. Now it was raining heavier. But the movie hall and adjacent road was crowded. The function was conducted by "Kalaiventhan MGR" It all started with Band music, garlanding MGR and placing candles inside the theatre and near the screen. Film personalities like 'Kundu' Kalyanam, C.K.Sarawathi also came to watch the spectacular show.

The movie hall was filled with fans and also with all kinds of flowers. Media such as Press, TV's especially Jaya TV covered the function. The distributor of the movie Mr.Chockalingam was also present. To satisfy the fans they again screened MGR's "Thai Illalmal Nan Illai" one more time. The video of the function will follow soon.

There was heated discussion between MGR Devotees and Director, Cameraman Thankar Bachan who in his movie had remixed (killed) a MGR song and the words he used are not good and difficult to digest for MGR fans. Finally police intervened and cooled the MGR Fans.

Though it was raining heavily the crowd thronged the theatres to see their God MGR. Adimai Penn is a family entertainer as well as Box Office film. The release proved MGR is the crowd puller and he is still the Box Office Emperor.

28 October 2007

One in one thousand

Why Adimai Penn snap in this post? Because due to stay order and compromise later, Ayirathil Oruvan was released for one day in Sri Brinda. WatchFans frenzy!

The dialogue between MGR and M.N.Nambiyar. A class of its own, peculiar MGR one liner.

Pardon for the quality of the movie, taken in 3GP format changed to WMV, then edited in Ulead and uploaded in You Tube.

27 October 2007

Today or Tomorrow

Adimai Penn is slated to be released yesterday 26.10.2007 but due to Stay order issued by Court and the compromise later the movie is released today.

In Melody
Sri Brinda

Celebrating time for MGR fans.

23 October 2007

MGR Temple

While I was in final phase of writing down how Google Search Engine helped me to increase the traffic, and in the leisure I was reading Mannathi Mannan MGR magazine in that an article touched my heart, my eyes glistened. Here is the article:

A temple for MGR was erected by Kantha Srinivasan in the campus of the High Court of Madras, in the year 1984.

She is now 50 years old, her occupation was selling flowers, cool drinks in the High Court campus. Kantha Srinivasan and her family are faithful MGR devotees. She says MGR is her God. She has seen MGR thrice in her life time.

On one occasion in a meeting Kantha Srinivasan touched MGR and gave him a Cool drink. MGR drank half of the content and handed over the remaining to her, which she drank in front of him, and MGR smiled back she was in tears and uncontrollable

In the end of 1984 MGR was admitted in Apollo Hospital like thousands of MGR fans she and her husband also stranded in front of the Hospital to know the condition of her God. She also prayed like others but she did not stop with prayers, she went on to erect a shrine on 19.12.1984 with help from Kalikambal temple priest. And the temple was named as "Neethi Karumariamman Alayam" and placed a MGR photo inside the sanctum. She along with others started to pray regularly. MGR fans prayer was answered MGR returned safely to India and took charge as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for the 3rd time. Returning to the Office MGR thanked all his Fans and well wishers for their prayers.

After MGR left Earth, Kantha Srinivasan performs special prayers and functions on MGR birth day also. She is eager to erect a Idol of MGR inside the sanctum, and has a plan to consecrate the shrine by Amma (Jayalalithaa).

Is MGR dead? I think not, he is still living in the hearts of poor. There is no end to MGR's fame, his fame will last to infinity. There is no end to MGR.

Long Live MGR's fame.

The Guardian of the Downtrodden and Oppressed.

God of the Poor.

Hope for the downhearted.


20 October 2007

Return of Adimai Penn

After the decree in favour of the right full owners who had the lease rights of MGR pictures movies such as Nadodi Manna, Adimai Penn and Ulagam Sutrum Valiban of this Adimai Penn is stated to be released in Chennai this month end.

They have placed Ads in several places of the city from Kathipara to Thiruvatriyur. The ads look very differently and catchy.

Below is the ad placed in Daily Thanthi.

The real picture

Ad picture

This picture added not for Navarathri function find why?

I think you got it.

16 October 2007

Records of Ulagam Sutrum Valiban Part III

Box Office records created by MGR films were surpassed by other MGR movies and not other movies.

Ulagam Sutrum Valiban released on 11.5.1973 in India and abroad.

In six theatres the film went past 25 weeks they are:

  1. Devi Paradise - Chennai - 182 days
  2. Agasthiya - Chennai - 176 days
  3. Meenatchi - Madurai - 217 days
  4. Palace - Trichy - 203 days
  5. Raja - Coimbatore - 196 days
  6. Capital - Sri Lanka - 203 days

Reservation was opened in Chennai on 9.5.1973 and within 3 hours 100 shows were full i.e. 1 month. (The record still not broken by any movie)

Ulagam Sutrum Valiban movie still holds the first place of continuous 100 full shows followed by total number of house full shows in 30 theatres:

All these movie halls surpassed 100 days also.

Chennai Devi Paradise 217 shows & 329

Chennai Agasthiya 156 shows & 211

Chennai Uma 127 shows

Madurai Meenatchi 262 shows & 301

Trichy Palace 159 shows

Srilanka Capital 251 shows

Salem Sangam 175 shows

Nataraja 175 shows

Kovai Raja 182 shows

Shanmuga 182 shows

Nellai Central 120 shows

Kundanthai Noormahal 110 shows

Mayavaram Gomathy 102 shows

Vellore Lakshmi 133 shows

Pondi Rathna 166 shows

Erode Central 121 shows

Thanjavur Yagappa 102 shows

Karur Thinappa 120 shows

Pattukottai Murugayya 101 shows

Villivakkam Royal 131 shows

Dindukal N.V.G.P. 177 shows

Villupuram Babu,Sabitha 127 shows

Pollachi Nallappa, Kalaimagal 101 shows

Kadulur Ramesh, Kamar 133 shows

Thirupur Usha 117 shows

Bangalore Sivaji 121 shows

Bangalore Abayra 101 shows

Puthukotai Palaniappa 100 shows

Chidambaram Lena 128 shows

Thirupathur C.K.C. 128 shows

Kanchipuram Lakshmi 127 shows

Virudunagar Narayanasamy 112 shows

Other Country:

Singapore - Central - 150 days as 3 shows

Malayasia - Paramount - 112 days 3 shows


No posters, No advertisements in Radio, No ads in Newspapers including leading News papers such as Daily Thanthi, Malai Murasu.

People are standing from Devi Paradise theatre to Anna Statue on 8.5.1973 before the booking 9.5.1973. Police and Horse mounted Police were in action to control the crowd.

Within 3 hours of opening of reservation all the shows for 30 days were filled in Devi Paradise, 25 days for Agasthiya and 22 days in Uma. Record unparallel in History.

Ulagam Sutrum Valiban was also released in Chitra and Padmanabha movie halls in Trivandrum with 66 days and 28 days respectively. Totaling 94 days the record was not beaten by any Malayalam movie on those days

Ulagam Sutrum Valiban surpassed the record created by McKenna's Gold which was released in Devi and grossed Rs.12,85,358.00 and MGR's movie released in Devi Paradise grossed Rs.13,63,914.75 which is also the first Indian movie to break Mackenna's Gold Record.

Ulagam Sutrum Valiban generated 1 Crore 35 lakhs in 40 theatres in just 6 months as Tax to Government. Calculate how much theatres should have earned remember it was 1973.

And it is also the first movie to generate tax more than 1 Crore in South Indian Cinema.

Source: Photos and statistics taken from various MGR related books, Special Edition of MGR movies 2005 and Enga Veetu Pillai MGR magazine. Provided by Yukesh Babu, Sathya of Sri Ponmanachemmal Sri MGR Bakthargal Kuzhu.

Will continue

10 October 2007

One Man in a Plane

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Post I have published here is been published as a Book. Publication date of the book will be conveyed soon.

Thanks for visiting my site.

The images are related to the post.

Arigato gozaimasu Dr.Kanu from MGR Fans.

04 October 2007

1973 - a Love Story

In the midst of high Tension political scenario that was prevailing in Tamil Nadu and as well as MGR's personal problem that his properties were under debt. Ramavaram Garden - MGR fans, friends were eagerly waiting for the stay order from the Court. Story writer Ravindran went inside MGR's office and astonished on seeing MGR in a tense mood. Ravindran questioned MGR, Is the legal problem pestering you Anna? MGR answered no, I am not worried about my property or Court proceedings, I have experienced poverty in my life. Even everything I owe now is lost forever I am not going to worry. Because my fans will take care of me.

Ravindran was puzzled and asked MGR, then Anna what is the problem?

MGR took out a letter and handed it to Ravindran and asked him to go through. He read the letter - it was a Love Letter from one of MGR heroines, saying Before I die please tell me once I love you. So my soul will rest in peace.

Story writer looked at MGR, what are you going to do? he asked.

MGR said reply to her desires in such a way that her feelings should not get hurt, should not provoke any resentment, make her understand her mistake.

As an order Ravindran replied with these words: I will take care of your problems. You don’t have to die for me. You have asked me to say "I Love You" for at least once in your life time. I will say that word not once but four times, that I love your knowledge I love your serenity. Don’t ask me to go beyond this level. And please don’t compel me.

And the heroine replied to MGR within a few days mentioning these - Determined to solve my desires, hereafter you are my Father as well as my God Father.

That ended the love letter. Do you know who she is?

Her name first letter starts with 'M'.

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M.G.R. Blog to you via E mail
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