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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

04 October 2007

1973 - a Love Story

In the midst of high Tension political scenario that was prevailing in Tamil Nadu and as well as MGR's personal problem that his properties were under debt. Ramavaram Garden - MGR fans, friends were eagerly waiting for the stay order from the Court. Story writer Ravindran went inside MGR's office and astonished on seeing MGR in a tense mood. Ravindran questioned MGR, Is the legal problem pestering you Anna? MGR answered no, I am not worried about my property or Court proceedings, I have experienced poverty in my life. Even everything I owe now is lost forever I am not going to worry. Because my fans will take care of me.

Ravindran was puzzled and asked MGR, then Anna what is the problem?

MGR took out a letter and handed it to Ravindran and asked him to go through. He read the letter - it was a Love Letter from one of MGR heroines, saying Before I die please tell me once I love you. So my soul will rest in peace.

Story writer looked at MGR, what are you going to do? he asked.

MGR said reply to her desires in such a way that her feelings should not get hurt, should not provoke any resentment, make her understand her mistake.

As an order Ravindran replied with these words: I will take care of your problems. You don’t have to die for me. You have asked me to say "I Love You" for at least once in your life time. I will say that word not once but four times, that I love your knowledge I love your serenity. Don’t ask me to go beyond this level. And please don’t compel me.

And the heroine replied to MGR within a few days mentioning these - Determined to solve my desires, hereafter you are my Father as well as my God Father.

That ended the love letter. Do you know who she is?

Her name first letter starts with 'M'.

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