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28 May 2007

A chat with MGR Devotee

There are two kinds of MGR fans I have mentioned in my blog earlier. This time I got a chance to chat with a MGR fan in Tamil MGR Bakthan (MGR Devotee). His name Yukesh Babu from Thiruvatriyur.

First he contacted me through my Blog comments nearly a year before and he passed his Email address to me. Two days back when I logged into Yahoo chat to check my friends, Yukesh Babu came online and he introduced himself again. But I remembered him instantly because he was the one who first commented in my blog and encouraged me to continue blogging.

After formalities he went to say something the finest thing about MGR film records. These are the records he has given to me in chatting. With his permission I am posting this in my Blog.

The first thing he came to know about my MGR blog through Google search. He daily checks my blog and also other MGR related articles in net. When I first said are you a MGR fan, he said quickly no I am not a fan I am a MGR Devotee, he is trying to make a MGR website and give all details about MGR, in his words "Thalaivar" (Leader). He proudly says that his wife is also a MGR devotee, and he worships MGR as his God (Were MGR devotees always do) He regularly visits MGR's resting place. And he is in active participation in "PONMANASEMMAL MGR DEVOTTES" Otteri. And very important thing is that he has not seen MGR in person. He said I am a luckiest person who has seen God (MGR).

He has lot of paper cuttings regarding MGR, and he spends weekly Rs.50/- or $1.5. He arranges celebrations along other MGR devotees who are weekly labourers.

He said last month MGR movie Thozilali released as Noon Show in Natraj Theatre and created a record collection of Rs.16,000/- this movie created a new record beating the five year Noon show collection. And the rent for Tamil film in Broadway Theatre (these two theatres are in Chennai City) is Rs.8,000/- but for MGR film it is Rs.12,000/- because he says that MGR movie gives big collection. In Bangalore MGR movie still runs in packed houses. And in Madurai 3 films are released every week. (Madurai was the Fort of MGR). He has the paper cutting of Ayirathil Oruvan which was released recently in Sri Lanka reached 50 days.

He narrated MGR's acting talent in En Thangai, Pasam and Petralthan Pillaiya. But for me the time was short and I have to log off, so I asked him to forward some interesting details about MGR to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear author,,,,
my name is jega aravind. i am a software professional. i am a m.g.r
devotee too.
naan uyir vaalvathe m.g.r pugal
parrapuvathatku than
urs m.g.r devotee

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