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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

09 January 2017

Return to Sixteen

Sri MGR Year 99, 9th January, Monday

Only 18 posts were published by me in MGR blog in 2016. I thought the readership will get reduced as there is no new post. Contrary to my belief, I was astonished to see a huge increase in readership, with less number of posts the readership has increased 4 times. 

The posts with more than 1000 plus unique visitors are:

2. King of Boxing (In memory of Boxing Legend Md.Ali)

The posts with more than 900 plus unique visitors are:

2. J

The posts with 800 plus unique visitors are:

All the above are linked to the appropriate posts. We team thanks the readers for their support and suggestions.

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M.G.R. Blog to you via E mail
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