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31 October 2016

The Preacher

Sri MGR Year 99, 31st October, Monday

Our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR had many titles. As his movies thought quality life lessons the fans called him Vathiyar (Teacher).

Many have preached and how many had practised? But MGR is not such a person, like others he is not a hypocrite who does not practise what they preach.

We know that not only the movie titles of MGR are a moral lesson he practised what he preached in silver screen. One such title come to my mind Neethiku Thalaivanangku, which resembled an incident that happened in 1965.



During the year 1965 when India Pakistan war was going on and as per war measures the cars which ply over Madras city were inspected for the head lights that has to be half blinded with black paint. One such inspection was going on in Kodambakkam bridge, the cars were in row. The police officers were checking each and every car for head lights, one officer found out that MGR is inside the car waiting patiently for his turn. The officer approached MGR and told him that, Sir you do not need to stand in the line your car is allowed to proceed.

MGR smiled at the police officer and said, for myself I do not need any priority whatever you do to other vehicles, you do the same to my vehicle. After waiting for his turn, MGR’s car head lights were half blinded with black paint.

The above incident was narrated by MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan. His son R.Govindaraj has written this in the Deepavali issue of Cinema Pathrikaiyalar Sangam Magazine and he has forwarded the issue to share in our MGR blog. Below are the two paged article.

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28 October 2016

Music Speaks

Sri MGR Year 99, 28th October, Friday

One of MGR fan from Australia has shared one interesting post in Facebook. I clicked the links he had provided and after watching the videos I was awestruck and felt how true is the phrase “Music has no language barrier”.


The person I had mentioned is Mr.Venkat Rao he has posted some of the videos captured in London stage show.  Below are his words.

புரட்சி தலைவர் அவர்களை, "உலகம் சுற்றும் வாலிபன்" ஆக அறிந்திருக்கிறோம். ஆனால், "உலகை தம் வயமாக்கும் வாலிபன்" ஆக அறிந்ததில்லையே. இணைத்துள்ள YouTube காணொளிகளை காணுங்கள். இவை லண்டனில் நடைபெற்ற மேடை நிகழ்ச்சியிலிருந்து பதிவு செய்யப்பட்டவை. தலைவர் எப்படி "உலகை தம் வயமாக்கும் வாலிபன்" ஆக ஆனார் என்பது புரிந்து விடும். காணொளியில் வரும் தலைவரின் பாடல்களை மேடையில் பாடுபவர்கள் அனைவரும் புதிய தலைமுறையை சார்ந்தவர்கள். பெரும்பாலும் திரு TMS, திருமதி P சுசீலா அவர்களின் தமிழ் உச்சரிப்பை அப்படியே பிரதிபலித்துள்ளார்கள், ஒரு சில தவறுகளை தவிர. அதுமட்டமல்ல அறிவிப்பவர்கள் ஒரு ஆங்கில வார்த்தையை கூட பயன்படுத்தவில்லை. பின்னணி இசை பெரும்பான்மையாக, படத்தில் வரும் பாடலின் பின்னணி இசையை அப்படியே பிரதிபலித்துள்ளது.

எல்லாவற்றிற்கும் மேலானது, இங்கிலாந்தை சார்ந்த ஆங்கிலேய இசை கலைஞர்கள் தலைவரின் பாடல்களுக்கு தமது இசைக்கருவிகளால் பாடல்களை மிகவும் ரசித்து இசையை தந்துள்ளார்கள்.

(For non Tamil readers of our MGR blog: “Above all, the England based musicians took pleasure in rendering our MGR songs with their musical instruments”)

இதேபோன்று ஆஸ்திரேலியாவில் நடைபெற்ற எம்ஜிஆர் விழா 2015ல், ஆஸ்திரேலிய நடனமணிகள் தலைவரைப் பற்றி முன்னதாக அறிந்து கொண்டு நிகழ்ச்சியில் பங்கேற்று நடனமாடி சிறப்பித்தார்கள், என்பது மறக்க முடியாத அனுபவம். தலைவர் ஆங்கிலேயர்கள் மனதிலும் குடிகொண்டு விட்டார், அவர்களையும் விட்டுவைக்கவில்லை. "உலகம் சுற்றும் வாலிபன்" ஆக திகழ்ந்த நம் தலைவர், "உலகை தம் வயமாக்கும் வாலிபன்" ஆகவும் ஆகிவிட்டார்தானே?

Certainly Venkat Rao sir.

Below are some MGR movie songs beautifully rendered by R.G. Academy Orchestra London.

Azhagiya Tamil Magal Ival rendition


R.G. Academy Orchestra London Live with Umesh for MGR’s Rom Com film “Anbay Vaa”.


The program name is seen in the background of the above videos.

Another stage performance:

22 October 2016

Flash Back - 2

Sri MGR Year 99, 22nd October, Saturday


From the above image we can guess from the frill cuffed shirt that our beloved Leader Purtachi Thalaivar MGR wearing is for the shooting of ‘Neerum Nerupum’ movie, seen along with MGR is Hemamalini.

In this article we can understand how much the North Indian film artist adored MGR’s acting skills and stunts. Below are the two paged article that have appeared in Flash Back section in Agni Malargal magazine.

part1    part2

The article was forwarded by the sub editor of Agni Malargal and as well as MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan’s son R.Govindaraj. The photo and the article are given in high resolution.

11 October 2016

Known And Unknown

Sri MGR Year 99, 11th October, Tuesday

We mostly know how MGR have helped people in dire circumstances. Some of his help which we come to know is through books, news paper articles and acquaintance. The third kind I mentioned will present you unknown piece of information behind some incidents of MGR’s helping hand.

Couple of days back while I was conversing with R.Govindaraj (one of MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramakrishnan’s son) told about his recent published article in Agnimalargal. I came to know that I only possessed half the information when he narrated the incident.

When the incident happened R.Govindaraj was studying with his friend Balu in 9th standard. His father is working as the personal driver to MGR. The police came to his class and informed that MGR’s driver had met with an accident and died on the spot.

He further said that Govindan’s body was placed in ADMK party office for last respects. At that time MGR was the Chief Minister and he walked along the funeral procession, how many Leaders will exhibit this rare quality? After couple of days, MGR gave job to Govindan’s wife in Tamil Nadu Housing Board.

Below is two such unknown incidents of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR’s unique humane nature. I requested the Sub Editor of Agnimalargal R.Govindaraj to forward his article which was published in the latest issue of Agni Malargal, for sharing with our MGR blog.

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02 October 2016

Flash Back

Sri MGR Year 99, 2nd October, Sunday

MGR’s bodyguard K.P.Ramarkrishnan’s son, R.Govindaraj who have complied his father’s incidents with our MGR and also as the sub editor of Agni Malargal has sent me the recent issue of the magazine to share in our MGR blog. In accordance with the centenary year they have given the article title “Flash Back” which I have used in our post also.


K.P.Ramakrishnan was on duty with our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR, who attended the function of “Aanaithulaga MGR Mandram” in Madurai on 12 and 13th July 1986. In the function MGR presided for two days and on the 2nd day, MGR and the Party Propaganda Secretary Jayalalitha only spoke in the dais. In this function Jayalalitha presented the silver Scepter to our MGR, the video is available in youtube.

Another incident K.P.Ramakrishnan narrates is about the by election held in Aruppukottai which our Puratchi Thalaivar who was tired went to campaign against his family doctor’s advice.

Click to read the article.


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