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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

12 March 2010

Re-release Dharmam Thalai Kakum

Sri MGR Year 93, 12th March Friday

Devar films Dharmam Thalaikakum movie is released today in Mahalakshmi theater after a long gap. The distributor have placed ads two weeks before, this is the  4th time they have placed ad in Daily Thanthi Chennai Edition.

How much money the film should generate if they have to place colour ad in a Leading daily for two weeks calculate yourself.

Below is the ad placed today, which movie ad is bigger new movie ads or MGR black white movie ad?

Old black and white movie should generate enough money to pay the rent of the theater, the ad charges, poster charges etc. and also give profit to the distributor.

Theater rent for one week is Rs.50,000/- this time it was fixed as Rs.45,000/-  Advertisement charges for two weeks minimum Rs.3000/- for 3 times it comes to Rs.9000 and todays ad is bigger than other ads how much it will be?

Images will be posted soon.

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