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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

30 September 2009

MGR Fan from South Korea

A year back when I was checking I used to see several page hits from South Korea, Japan, Norway and also sometimes from South American countries. I did not receive any mail or comments from South Korea in particular. I thought that it should be google error that someone stumbled upon our site through search engine.

But South Korea was always in the list of website traffic. A week back we published BBC Interview of MGR and I received more comments in a short time. A person named Nithipalan from US commented in our blog. I sent a thank you note on behalf of and asked him is this the first time you are commenting, he replied back to me and the reply is valuable mail not only for me but also for all MGR Fans around the World. With his consent I edited the mail and publishing here for your views. I did not know him in person only his email and he has consented to publish his mail in our blog without any delay, because we are MGR Fans.
I am 59 year old MGR fan for about 50 years. I am a Sri Lankan born Canadian, but has been living and working in many countries for past 35 years, recently moved from South Korea to New Hampshire, USA. I am involved in Renewable Energy industry in both LED's and Solar in the executive level.

I adore MGR from my child hood and met him once in Colombo at my Uncle's house (Radio Ceylon Mylvaganam) when he visited with Actress Saroja Devi for dinner. MGR and me are both born in Kandy and all my classmates know very well about my interest in MGR.

After he became the Chief Minister, I had the opportunity to visit him as the Secretary of Ealam Tamil Association of Alberta, Canada, related to Ealam Tamil issue. During 1984, both Indira Gandhi and MGR was closely involved in Sri Lanka issues and both requested us to come up with an constitution similar to Canadian Federal system. The whole world knows, how much MGR was involved with Sri Lankan Tamil issue. If he would have been alive, he would have solved long ago.

He is a wonderful human being beyond imagination and the genuine care he had for the down trodden people was unmatchable. More and more I read about him, my respect continue to increase.

I hope you all continue with these blogs and web sites to teach the younger generation about respect, good habits, great will power to success, and the humbleness even after the great success.

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