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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

27 January 2018

MGR New Rice CO 52

Sri MGR Year 101, 27th January, Saturday

On the Centenary of our beloved Leader Puratchi Thalaivar MGR, and in memory, last November 2017, the Tamil Nadu Chief minister Edappadi K.Palanisami released a new rice variety 'MGR 100' developed by TNAU short form for Tamil Nadu Agriculture University. The new rice variety which belongs to the nomenclature of CO 52, would give high yield, superior grain quality and it is highly pest and disease resistance.


Image shared by MGR devotee Yukesh Babu

Further the news states that this new variety was on the sequel of TNAU's first hybrid rice, MGR (COR H1) released in 1994. This new rice variety would be a good alternate for BPT 5204. Over a period of six years, trials were conducted and cultivated in 158 locations in over twenty one districts. The harvest crossed 7000 KG/Hectare.

This variety rice would mature in 130 to 135 days. The MGR 100 has medium tall in stature with long droopy panicles. The MGR 100 variety was recommended for large-scale demonstration based on its high yield, by the university. As the university awaits the gazetting of the variety by the Central seed subcommittee for variety release and notification.

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