S.M.Subbiah Naidu took the mantle and composed the remaining songs and back ground music.

Cameraman Ramu was well versed in shooting in Black and white. When MGR planned to take the remainig portion in colour, Ramu requested to use some one as the cameraman. After knowing his hesitation MGR asked to go ahead but Ramu told that he dont know the technical side that his best friend who is well versed in colour shoot did not give any idea which his friend promised earlier.
Those days the colour films are processed in Bombay (Mumbai) only. MGR asked him to go ahead with a test shoot, and dont worry about the budget. If test shoot is successful go ahead with shooting with colour film if it is not success they planned to start again with black and white, actress from MGR Nadaga mandram acted for the test. After processing the film the lab gave that no adjustment is needed it is professional looking. Then Ramu went on with outdoor shooting in Munnar . That is what we see now.

The role of Princess Rathna was acted earlier by one artist, which MGR was not satisfied with her performance. Earlier Saroja Devi was casted in the role of Queens Maid , who spies as per MGR's wish. And Saroja Devi acted in the song "Padupatta Thannaley". After casting her in Rathna role, Chandra was included in the cast as maid and shooting again for the song. MGR has spent more on re shooting due to technical reasons.
Some records:
Nadodi Mannan movie was released in Chennai in three theatres. All the three theatres were 100 days, the highest in Chennai run is 161 days. The movie was released in Tamilnadu in more than 160 centres. 100 days theatre 28, 75 days theatre 67, 50 days theatre 157. In Srilanka the highest run is 140 days, and in Banglore it is 105 days.