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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

25 July 2008

Blood Brothers

On the specified date and specified time MGR devotees of Kalaiventhan MGR Bakthargal and Ponmanachemmal MGR Bakthargal eagerly waited to meet K.P.Ramesh and his brother K.P.Suresh (we fondly call them Dubai party) due to traffic problem they came 20 minutes late for the function.

After formal introduction we started to discuss about each other profession and their aim. Then we shared the MGR experience for 3 ½ hours.

K.P.Ramesh told an idea about uniting various MGR mandrams under one head. A dream I don’t know when that will happen.

The weather was so humid we were constantly sweating and we told this to Dubai party but K.P.Ramesh told that this weather is lot better than Dubai.

B.S.Raj Editor of Urimai Kural gave some insights into MGR film records and rare books. Murali of Kalaiventhan MGR Bakthargal showed us various rare images from MGR movies and as well as from political life. K.P.Ramesh choosed 4 images for his personal record.

We refreshed and found that time was so swift and K.P.Ramesh and his brother has to rush to get on their schedule.

The meeting went on till 3 p.m. When I was writing this post I just looked again at the images and the persons I have met this Sunday. Who are they? What is the relation between us? And Why did I wanted to meet them?

Most of us are from Chennai and around Chennai. K.P.Suresh from U.S., K.P.Ramesh from Dubai we are in unison by the name of MGR. what is the relation? Rathathin Rathamana Udanpirapu (Blood brothers) like MGR mentions in his speech after his accident in 1967. We felt we are one and our Wishes, Dreams, Leader, Mentor, God and whatever under the sky is MGR.

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