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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

30 September 2014

Merry Go Round

Sri MGR Year 97, 30th September, Tuesday

Merry Go Round or Carousel is a amusement ride often witnessed in temple functions and exhibitions in India. The merry-go-round we see in our temple functions were very small in size and can only accommodate children. 

The merry-go-round have cars or rockets designed as seat for the children. In cases of cars we can see the name of famous heroes and heroines of the time. 

Long ago when I was a kid maybe in the year 1980 or 1981 I think, I enjoyed the merry-go-round, the mount is shaped as a car, in my car the name of the Hero and Heroine written was “Kamal - Sridevi”. And other three cars had “Sivaji - Vanishri”, “Rajni - Sripriya” and the last one was “MGR - Latha”.

Recently happened to see one merry-go-round, all the names in the car have changed but not our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR. The other pairs given are Vijay, Ajith and Dhanush. Below is the image I had captured showing the pair for the car is “MGR and Manjula”.


A carousel showing the name of the Hero MGR. His name lives in many formats. Another fact the short form of merry-go-round is MGR.

08 September 2014

MGR Temple 2

Sri MGR Year 97, 8th September, Monday

MGR Devotee Kalaivanan had constructed our Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Temple in Naththamedu near Thiruninravur. The temple was consecrated on 15th August 2011.


This year MGR’s mother Sathyabama idol was consecrated in MGR temple. A program was done by Koppiyam and was telecasted in Raj TV recently. They had showed from the start how the temple was built and the background details.


Naththamedu village people had given dedicated support to the temple, Kalaivanan mentions this fact and people of all caste and creed comes to the temple for MGR’s blessings.

MGR-Idol_2   car_procession

Below is the link from Raj TV channel. They have disabled certain options in Youtube. Click the link below.

MGR Temple link

You can also download this episode using youtube downloader the size of the file is 139 MB.

Every year MGR devotees take on foot pilgrimage from MGR resting place to Naththamedu MGR temple.

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