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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

29 July 2012

MGR Letter

Sri MGR Year 95, 29th July, Sunday


MGR fans mostly publish special editions during release of MGR movies. MGR devotee Tirupur Ravichandran have forwarded a scanned letter of MGR’s epistle to his fans during the release of Nam Nadu.


The scanned letter is given below.








Click the above images to read.




The above image is the letter MGR replied for the special edition, I have given in a thumb nail, one might ask why I had cut into three pieces, because our blog images are being stolen and used extensively in facebook and other websites without giving any credit to our website even if I had watermarked the image. They have also mention their work is being stolen by someone. Why should we give them an easy job of copy pasting and doing basic photoshop work, let them spend more time and publish our work. For any MGR fans out there I will send this letter without watermark if they mail me.

M.G.R. Blog to you via E mail

M.G.R. Blog to you via E mail
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