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Vettaikaran Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee Padagotti

22 July 2006

Next Generation

I had a rendezvous with a MGR fan, we talked a lot about her interest in other matters and when it came to MGR, she told a lot about her likings. I asked her which MGR pair she liked most. She said without hesitation "Amma" (Jayalalitha) and not Saroja Devi. She liked MGR films that were in Colour. And most noticeable was she mostly liked MGR films that were released after 1970.

Do you guess what are age is? (a) Is she 60 years old (b) Is she 50 years old and (c) Is she 30 to 40 years old, if you have said a, b or c as the answer you are wrong. Her age is just 9 years. Are you astonished! The fact is that she has never seen MGR in person or his film in Theatre. She has only one opportunity of watching MGR films and songs that are telecasted in various TV channels. This is my account with young MGR fan.

Same kind of experience was mentioned by Cho Ramasamy the Editor and Rajya Sabha M.P., who one day was traveling in a car and he saw a boy not more than 10 years old was lighting camphor, prayed and went to the School. When Cho reached the place he saw the Photo of MGR. He has mentioned this in his magazine "Thuglaq" and said that MGR's impact is still felt in the younger generation also. Who were born after MGR's death – they are the Next Generation MGR fans.

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