
08 January 2013

Fight Scene

Sri MGR Year 95, 8th January, Tuesday

This is the most important fight scene in Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban. Where our Hero MGR finally meets M.N.Nambiyar (paid assassin) to retrieve the formula suitcase from the monk’s house.


The actual fight scene is edited and reversed back to suit to today’s editing format. That is, in the movie first there is fight scene then the monk treats Nambiyar. In the below video the scene is reversed, by showing Nambiyar been hurt and the monk is giving treatment. Then the scene narrates how Nambiyar got hurt. In layman language it is called flash back. This small flashback scene often found in today’s English Serials.


MGR spirit should pardon me for this video.



The above video clip is captured by me in Sri Brinda theater October 2008 during the release of Ulagam Sutrum Vaaliban in DTS format with changed back ground music.


One of the best fight scenes from MGR movie.